I’m working on a sociology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Durkheim felt that the Division of Labor led people to become very individualistic. But he also believed that after a while, humans would eventually come to see that the division of labor actually made people especially dependent on each other for survival. Durkheim also felt that once individuals came to this realization, they would make sure that their fellow citizens had adequate food, housing and shelter. First define the Division of Labor and then afterwards, write about the people you know who live in American society.What was the name he used to describe the division of labor that existsin modern societies? Do they understand that humans are especially dependent upon each other for their survival, or do they think that their survival is predicated upon their own individual endeavors.? Do these individuals care about the well-being of their fellow citizens, or do they believe that people have an individual responsibility to take care of themselves?