SOC 101 SDMC The Social Construction Of Gender Essay

  1. What is the social construction of gender? Use Judith Lorber’s article to discuss gender as performance.
  2. Define feminism. In addition, choose 3 myths of feminism to discuss in your answer.  
  3. How do the concepts of the “New Momism” and “Dilemmas of Involved Fatherhood” construct parenting in terms of power and oppression? 
  4. In “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” McIntosh discusses 2 forms of racism. What are the 2 forms? Use 2 examples of each form in your answer.
  5. Compare “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” to “Defining Racism: Can We Talk?”. McIntosh discusses 2 forms of racism which you explained in question 4. Tatum expands on McIntosh’s discussion of the 2 forms. How does she do so? (Hint: expansion includes the discussion of prejudice, and the isms).
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