summary report 4

The Summary Report summarizes the work done on the project as well as your and your teammates contributions to the capstone project. The project is about a language learning game app.

I have provided the the bi-weekly reports that include what was achieved during the 2 week sprint. I have attached sprints 1-4 and 6-9. From those reports I would like you to write up a Summary Report which summarizes the weekly reports into 1.


The draft should be a complete, fully detailed version of your final report. This is to include a table of contents that is automatically generated. There should be a page number on each page except the cover page. Use the link online to submit the draft.

The final version is due on the last week of class. Late submissions will be penalized 10%. Use the link online to submit your work.

This report is to be in your own words. Copying content from other sources, including other team member, is not acceptable. The report will be checked against other students’ reports to verify unique content and wording.

Use Times New Roman 12pt with 1.5 line spacing. The following outline should be used for the report. You may need to deviate slightly, depending on the nature of your project.

  1. Cover Page
    1. Title
    2. Class name
    3. Team name
    4. Brief project description (maximum 20 words)
  2. Table of Contents (with page numbers)
  3. Description of the overall project
    1. Work completed
    2. Defining the best of the work
  4. Summary of your contributions
    1. Work on team presentation
    2. Work on reports
    3. Work on product
    4. Work on team management (meeting minutes, etc.)
  5. Reflection on your work
    1. Evaluation of the success of the work produced by you
    2. Technology learned
    3. Lessons learned
    4. Moving forward – how can you use your experiences on the project to help you in the future
  6. Value – describe the real-world value and feasibility of implementing your project with respect to 2 of the following aspects. Discuss the challenges and impacts of implementing your project in your 2 chosen aspects.
    1. Economic
    2. Environmental
    3. Social
    4. Political
    5. Ethical
    6. Health & Safety
    7. Manufacturability
    8. Sustainability
  7. Reflection on the team as a whole
    1. Evaluation of the success of the work produced by the team as a whole
    2. How things could have been improved
  8. Conclusion