Tech Transformations – Project Proposal Assignment, history homework help
Objective: In this assignment, you will not complete a project. Rather, you will propose a project. This assignment is designed to allow you to be imaginative and draw on your own life experiences. Making use of a 350-word proposal and 6 slide PowerPoint, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of:
- Accurately and effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to present material in a historical context.
- Investigate and evaluate historical information from global, social, and ethical perspectives to guide decision making.
- Applying historical precedent to contemporary roles, responsibilities, and relationships in order to advance the goals of a community or organization.
You will briefly identify and propose a solution for a problem for a community or organization. You should propose sources of funding; detail the means by which you would achieve your project; and support the need or viability of your idea with historical precedents from the cited sources.
Instructions: Briefly identify a problem for a community or organization, and propose a solution. You should propose sources of funding; detail the means by which you would achieve your project; and support the viability of your idea with historical precedents from the course materials. Feel free to dream. The sky’s the limit.
In a 350 word summary, identify a problem for a community or organization and propose a project that would either solve that problem or increase the well-being of its members. Propose sources of funding; detail the means by which you would achieve your project; and support the viability of your idea with historical precedents from the required readings.
Your proposal must have a thesis statement in the word summary.
Including additional relevant and substantive content. Cite everything you use, and cite abundantly.
PowerPoint: Your PowerPoint of at least six slides will allow you to illustrate your proposal, providing supporting imagery. Do not fret about the PowerPoint! Remember this is history. The people we study did not have PowerPoint.