1. Describe the major hormonal changes that occur during adolescence. Describe girls’ reactions to menarche and boys’ reactions to spermarche during puberty.

Please select and answer comprehensively any five (5) questions. The final exam covers Chapters 11-19 of Development through the Lifespan. Supplemental professional journal articles can also be used to support your answers. Each answer should be roughly two (2) type-written pages double-spaced (500 words). Font type should be Times New Roman 12.

For more information on how your assignment will be graded, please see the writing rubric [PDF File Size 51.7 kb].

1. Describe the major hormonal changes that occur during adolescence. Describe girls’ reactions to menarche and boys’ reactions to spermarche during puberty. What factors influence the way adolescents respond? Describe the impact of puberty on parent–c hild interaction and the adaptive value of this change in adolescents’ relationships with their parents.

2. Summarize the specific mechanisms of cognitive change, as described by the information-processing view of cognitive development. Describe a teenager’s new cognitive capacities, and explain how adults can handle the consequences of distorted thinking.

3. Describe gender differences in adolescent friendships. Describe the functions that cliques and crowds serve, and explain the factors that cause the importance of crowds to decline over time. Summarize research on peer conformity, noting factors related to peer pressure.

4. Monica, an obese 22 year-old, would like to participate in a weight-loss program that promotes lasting behavior change. Describe the program elements that she should look for, noting how each element fosters success. As Brad enters early adulthood, he is becoming increasingly concerned about maintaining good health. What suggestions can you offer Brad for fostering a healthy adult life?

5. Discuss some preventative measures adults can take to avoid or slow the progress of cardiovascular disease. Explain the combined gender–racial bias that is especially dangerous for African-American women with heart disease.