2 1 discussion theory progression

Discuss the historical influence of Freud’s theory. How did the time period influence Freud as he developed his personality theory?

Respond to two other classmates and compare your observations on how the historical context influenced Freud’s theory.

Think about the historical context of your selected theory and how it may have influenced your chosen theory’s development.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.



Hello Class,

According to the text book and other research Freud developed the most influential psychological approach that is still used. Freud began his career as a research neurologist. ” A first Freud used hypnosis to get his patients to talk about difficult topics. Later he turned to the use of free association, instructing the patient to say whatever came to mind with the same purpose” (Funder, pg. 352).

The textbook identifies that the psychoanalysis has four distinct ideas “psychic determination, internal structure, psychic conflict, and mental energy” (Funder, pg. 354). Psychic determination is the idea that everything happens in one’s mind and therefor they are thinking that for a particular reason. Internal structure is the idea that there are layers to a person, the id, ego, and the superego. Psychic conflict is the concept that because the mind is divided into independent parts there will be conflict between them. The mental energy component is just what it is described as, someone’s mental energy. This is also where the term libido was formed.

Freud also was the founder of the stages of psychosexual development and defined all those terms within those stages. Freud articulates that if you do not move past a specific stage that you will be stuck there and that will create issues throughout your life. Freud also identifies and creates different types of defense mechanisms.

In summation Freud has contributed an enormous amount of theories and ideas to the psychoanalytic field. His theories are the basis and building blocks for his predecessors. These theories are the basics for which students and other professionals. Although Freud’s theories weren’t always the popular opinion there was a basis for learning and taking something away from his theories that help guide those theories to modern psychology textbooks and classes today. Freud’s influence on historical psychology and modern psychology is well noted.



Funder, D. C. The Personality Puzzle (Seventh Edition). [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/#/books/9780393288032/


Good afternoon Professor and Classmates :-),

Sigmund Freud was one of the most influential thinkers of all time even though some are skeptical of his beliefs. Freud began his career as a research neurologist. He later graduated and move on to psychiatry so he can begin his practice and make a living. He is most known as the founder of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a therapeutic process that helps patients understand and resolve their problems. It is an in-depth talk therapy that brings to light unconscious or deeply buried thoughts. Once the patient becomes more comfortable and less resistant to face their issues, they can begin healing (Funder, 2016). In the beginning, Freud used hypnosis to get his patients to talk about difficult topics and later turn to the use of free association. Free association is where a therapist asks a person in therapy to freely share their thoughts, words or anything that comes to mind. His patients referred it as the “talking cure”. Talking cure was first adopted by Josef Breuer, his friend, a well-respected Viennese physician and physiologist (Rennison, 2015). This became Freud’s greatest contribution to psychotherapy. Freud felt that by openly discussing your thoughts and fears, the conscious and rational mind would be able to deal with them (Funder, 2016).

After World War I, Freud continued his work on theories of personality. Freud’s family was jewish but he himself was non-practicing. Since his family was jewish, it made them a target to Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s regime affected Freud’s life personally. In 1933, the Nazis publicly burned a number of Freud’s books and works. He wanted to stay in Vienna but was afraid for his family. Shortly after Freud left Vienna for London with his wife and daughter. He was most famous for the theory that the mind is divided into three parts: the id (unconscious, impulsive and wants it now), superego (rules of conduct or morality) and ego (a balance between the two and the most impactful on people’s lives)(Funder, 2016). His theory on “The Freudian slip”, refers to an accidental slip of the tongue, still remains popular today. Many felt that his theories were controversial and some people even viewed it as dangerous. His emphasis on sex and sexual energy. Some complained that his theory was “dirty” (Funder, 2016, p 357). Also his theories could not be tested but he was right about one thing, childhood experiences has been known to shape adult personality and behaviors in important ways.


Funder, D.C. (2016). The personality puzzle. New York, NY. W.W. Norton & Company.

Rennison, N. (2015). Freud and psychoanalysis : Everything you need to know about id, ego, super-ego and more (E-reader Version). Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cat04477a&AN=snhu.b1626824&site=eds-live&scope=site