4 6 pages multicultural learning walk 1
I finished the first and second part you will find it in the fils
you will do part 3 and 4 based on part 1 and 2
Directions to the Candidates:
Candidates will demonstrate the ability to communicate with members of the school community in
reference to trends, issues, and changes in environment through an observation of the
representation and appreciation of diverse community groups and cultures in their respective
workplaces. The focus of the activity is to take an active viewer look at your school/workplace as if
from the perspective of a 1st time observer. Record the setting, structure, environment and
immediate displays/postings. Be sure to highlight where there is evidence or absence of an active
observance of multiculturalism. Candidates will demonstrate the ability to engage the students,
parents, and other community members by drafting a report of findings and creating an Action Plan
to address school policies and procedures for engaging the diverse populations represented in the
school to possibly be presented during a Parent-Teacher-Student-Association (PTSA) meeting.
There are four parts to this assignment that are to be met using the rubric below, which are aligned
to ELCC Building Standard Elements 4.1 through 4.4 (see below). Although there is repetitive mention
of observation and evaluation within school settings, you may conduct this project in your work
setting as long as it can be described as a learning organization. Please view the observation and the
record of observation as a precursor to this assignment. Outreach and action towards improvement is
also required. The goal is to have an observation of the representation and appreciation of diverse
community groups and cultures, along with the description of the observation, this section may also
include a visual representation of diversity. Your written assignment should be submitted in four
demonstrate that they can collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting
and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational
environment. Candidates are to demonstrate that they understand: collaboration and
communication techniques to improve the school’s educational environment; and information
pertinent to the school’s educational environment. Demonstrate use collaboration strategies
to collect, analyze, and interpret school, student, faculty, and community information; and hot
to communicate information about the school within the community. This should be 2-3
pages APA guided based on the rubric below due on October 28.
demonstrate that they can mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding,
appreciation, and use of the diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources within the
school community. Candidates are to demonstrate that they understand: to identify and use
diverse community resources to improve school programs; identify and mobilize effective
community resources. Demonstrate how to achieve school-based cultural competence; and
leverage and enhance diverse cultural, social, and intellectual community resources. This
should be 2-3 pages APA guided based on the rubric below due on November 4.
to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships
with families and caregivers. Candidates are to demonstrate that they understand: the needs
of students, parents or caregivers; school organizational culture that promotes open
communication with families and caregivers; school strategies for effective oral and written
communication with families and caregivers; approaches to collaboration with families and
caregivers. Conduct a needs assessments of families and caregivers; develop collaboration
strategies for effective relationships with families and caregivers and how you would involve
families and caregivers in the decision-making processes at the school. This should be 2-3
pages APA guided based on the rubric below due on November 18.
to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships
with community partners. Candidates are to demonstrate that they understand: the needs of
school community partners; school organizational culture that promotes open communication
with community partners; school strategies for effective oral and written communication with
community partners; collaboration methods to develop and sustain productive relationships
with community partners. This should be 2-3 pages APA guided based on the rubric below due
on November 25.
Your observation and report should consider and include