6-3 Progress Check 2: Historical Context and Introduction
Part 1
Take a look at the Project 2 Guidelines and Rubric. You will notice that you have already done some work on your research plan thus far, describing the primary and secondary sources you are using for better understanding your topic. You have also used these sources to gain insight into the historical context of your event.
You should draft the historical context component of Project 2. To begin, open your Historical Context and Introduction template.
Use your work from 4-2 and 5-2 to draft your Historical Context and Introduction. The document should contain the following:
- A three to five sentence summary of your event.
- A three to five sentence discussion of how historical context impacted your event.
Part 2
- Finalize your previous work from Progress Checks 1 and 2 for Project 2: Historical Context and Introduction in a single Word document file. Submit the complete document here for instructor feedback.
- To complete this assignment, review the Project 2 Historical Context and Introduction Guidelines and Rubric document.