a report about industrial biotechnology

A report about ” The new area of Biotechnology and its impact on the future of industry ( Industrial Biotechnology )

The report must consist of 1300-1500 words and the theme is innovation

so the recommendation must be something to improve this technology. The style is advantage & disadvantage and we are talking about this technology in general (you don’t have to specified country unlike the example attached ) i have an outline that you have to follow and 2 sources but the report must consist of 6 sources as total as a result you have to find 4 more sources. (The source must be up to date “7 years in maximum”) (You don’t have to do a source evaluation)

You don’t have to do a cover page

So first page will be the contents. The style will be the same as the example, I will give you the of my friend I need you to follow same structure but the theme is different his theme was green but my theme is Innovation. with respect the plagiarism less than 5%

Please use same level of english as in the report example, and same format.