abolition of daeth penality

This is an essay for a human rights module, specifically law application. “103 states have so far abolished the death sentence for all crimes, 83 have ratified the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights aiming at the abolition of the death penalty and 109 have voted in favour of the third United Nations Resolution adopted on December 21 2010, calling on states to establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty”. Construct a legal argument to support the abolition of the death penalty worldwide using key cases and instruments from both international and regional law. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: * Please talk equally about regional and international law * Include 20 references – academic sources such as books, journals, documents, publications Harvard referencing. In text citations to have op.cit and et.al where appropriate. If the same article by the same author has been mentioned more than once in the essay please write op.ct next to the author, not the year if its the same article. Put et.al for more than 2 authors please.Include a bibliography at the end please. * Write the main body ONLY. Each paragraph to be roughly 300 words, 4-5 references in each paragraph. The more references the better. Reference case studies/instruments too. Please write the subtopic of each paragraph beside the paragraph/s *Please use the PPT attached to help you, especially the slides on the death penalty- should help you with what to research/discuss in the essay * 50% is a Pass at Masters level. Please write the essay at an amazing standard. Please look at your inbox often and please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much. I should be 8 pages in APA style