activity on writing summaries 1

Choose one of the following letters/responses in Cheryl Strayed’s Tiny Beautiful Things to use in writing a summary.

  • How You Get Unstuck, pp. 19-30
  • That Ecstatic Parade, pp. 31-36
  • The Reckoning, pp. 39-47
  • Write Like a Motherfucker, pp. 53-60
  • Thwack, Thwack, Thwack, pp. 104-109
  • The Woman Hanging on the End of the Line, pp. 110-114

Your final summary should be a paragraph of 5-7 sentences or so.

You should focus your response on writing a referential summary, which emphasizes the writer’s ideas and highlights the key points that the writer makes, not a rhetorical summary, which emphasizes the kinds of rhetorical (language) or structural (organizational) choices the writer makes.