african american cinema spike lee annotated bibliography assignment

Format: Times New Roman, 12pt Font, Double-spaced, 1” Margins, MLA Citation Style

For this assignment you will write an evaluative annotated bibliography documenting research into a single Spike Lee film NOT included in the course (as either a required or supplementary screening). Your annotated bibliography will consist of a critical introductory preface (1-2 pages) and 5-8 source annotations (2-3 paragraph each, plus correctly formatted bibliographic information using MLA style). The critical preface must situate the film in the context of Lee’s other work, the historical moment of its production and release, and outline a research question explaining your interest in this particular film.

Your annotated bibliography, beyond these basic components, must reflect an engagement with our ongoing discussion of Spike Lee and his films, especially in terms of their aesthetic, political, and cultural dimensions, as well as Lee’s place as an auteur and as a Black filmmaker. That is, your sources and their annotations should contribute to developing a critical understanding of Lee’s investment in Black representation, the politics of and within Black communities, the place of realism in Lee’s films, and Lee’s distinct authorial signature, as well as what Lubiano calls the “Spike Lee discourse.” (Your bibliography will not be able to address all these aspects but must contribute to your understanding of as many as possible, particularly the “Spike Lee discourse” and the investment in Black representation.) Finally, you should consider approaching your annotated bibliography as (potential) preparation for your final paper—i.e. as you decide on a film to research, think about the films and issues we’ve discussed so far that have sparked your interest and which of Lee’s other films would compliment (through similarity, contrast, or place within Lee’s oeuvre) them. (This is why you may want to have more than the required 5 entries as there is no direct reward for exceeding the required number of entries.)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CAN NOT USE THESE FILMS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Da Sweet Blood of Jesus (2014)

School Daze


Malcolm X (1992)

Bamboozled (1999)

She’s Gotta Have It (1986)

Jungle Fever (1991), Girl 6 (1996)

Do the Right Thing (1989)

Mo’ Better Blues (1990)

Ganja and Hess (Gunn, 1973)

Chi-Raq (2015)