American Public University System Business Annotated Bibliography

Online Library Exercise and Annotated Bibliography

Description: The assignment will help the student begin to identify research questions and the strategies to answer the question from the week 3 assignment.

Part 1: Go to the APUS Online Library and watch the following videos.

Navigating Your APUS Library

Get to Know Your Trefry Library


Subject Specific Research

Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

Using the library, locate two articles from journals of interest (eg. American Journal of Public Health) germane to your research project due in week 8.

Complete the Annotated Bibliographies for two scholarly sources. This is a formal bibliography that includes citations of sources with summary and evaluation information for each source. The emphasis is on finding accurate, reliable sources and providing a clear summary and evaluation for each source. Please see attached for examples on how to complete the Annotated Bibliography.

If you need any help, the librarians will answer questions and help you find what you need.