AMU IRB Research Paper
Attache is the instruction for an IRB Application as well as a blank IRB application that needs to be filled out. This is congruent to my research paper that I will be doing later. The picot question is ” Does mentorship influence positive mental health in new Nurse Practitioners graduating entering the workforce in the first year of practice.”
This has to be for Nurse practitioners only. In the application we have to put in what type fo research we will be doing as well as who will be the people researched. I was thinking of doing a survey type research for Nurse practicioners that have just finished there first year of practice. This would compare NPs that did not have mentorship vs mentorship and the outcomes. I was also thinking of maybe relating this two hospitals and clinics that don’t have mentorship. If we can find something about high retention rate and how hospitals/clinics can save money if they included a mentorship. These are just thoughts you can build off of. This has to pertaining to the picot question and nurse practitioners only.