Answer history terms
Unit 1 Introduction
- History
- Civilization
- Pre-History
- Paleolithic and Neolithic
- Mesopotamia
- Hammurabi
- Pharaoh
- Monotheism
- Polis
- Socrates
- Alexander the Great
- Pericles
Unit 5 Classical Rome and Christianity
- Julius Caesar
- Pax Romana
- Jesus of Nazareth
- Saint Paul of Tarsus
- Muhammad
- Abbasid
- Khalifa (caliph)
- Qur’an (Koran)
- Justinian
- Byzantine Empire
- Vladimir
- Rus’
- Carolingian Renaissance
- Charles Martel
- Charlemagne
- Vikings
- Magna Carta
- Chivalry
- University
- Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Feudalism
- William the Conqueror
- Capetian Dynasty
- Crusades
- Mongols (Tatars)
- Golden Horde
- Ivan IV the Terrible
- Black Death
- Hundred Years’ War
- Joan of Arc
- Chaucer
- John Calvin
- Indulgence
- Martin Luther
- Justification by faith
- Humanism
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Michelangelo
- Raphael
- Prince Henry the Navigator
- Conquistador
- Columbus
- History
- Civilization
Instructions: In a few sentences of about a paragraph length for each historical term, completely identify that term and note its importance.