appraising scientific reasoning 2

PHI Appraising Scientific Reasoning: six-step evaluation paper

Do a full six-step evaluation of the causal study located at the link below, including a diagram of the design of the study and a diagram of the data:

Part of the data (in italics and noted within the PDF of the media report of the study) had to be added from unpublished information from the clinical trial itself because the otherwise very detailed report by the journalist writing about it in the New York Times left it out. The study is unpublished because the results were just announced on November 16th. Publication is expected in 2020. So, this is real news!

After you write your six-step evaluation, add a 7th “step” to your report to offer a brief reflection (no more than a paragraph) indicating what you could not have done in your evaluation had the italicized information I added to the newspaper report not been included.

Grading Breakdown:

Your report will be graded out of 20 points: 2 points each for steps 1-6 of the six-step evaluation. Your 7th “step” reflection is worth 2 points. And there are 2 points (1 each) for grammar/composition and argument coherence. Two points for your diagram of the study design. Two points for your diagram of the data. There is no need for a bibliography since we know what study you are discussing.

Your report should be 3 pages long (double spaced), including diagrams. So, that means 2-3 pages for your six-step evaluation plus a page with the two diagrams. Some people write a bit more per step than others, so that’s why there is a range of lengths from 1000 words.