You need to write an analytic essay on autocratic, democratic, or technocratic deviance, deviants, or control of deviance and deviants. Topic: Focus on one issue in your essay. There are obviously nine possible issues to choose for your essay: Autocratic deviance, democratic deviance, technocratic deviance; autocratic juvenile deviants, democratic deviants, technocratic deviants; autocratic control of deviance and deviants, democratic control of deviance and deviants, and technocratic deviance and deviants. Source: Read From Autocracy to Democracy to Technocracy: An Evolution of Human Polity ( If you write on autocratic deviance, you should read Part III completely so you can develop your ideas on it for a good essay. If you write on democratic deviants, you need to read Part IV carefully. If you write on technocratic control of deviance and deviants, you must read Part IV thoroughly. Required Elements: Your essay must tackle these essential elements. For example, if you write on autocratic deviance, you need to address (1) what autocratic deviance is, its main characteristics and symptoms; (2) what social factors and forces lie under autocratic deviance; (3) how autocratic deviance affects political processes, influences common citizens, and shapes social atmospheres; and (4) how autocratic deviance might penetrate in democracy and even technocracy while dominating autocracy.