Entries by Valet

Discussion Question for Delusions of Gender text

In Part 1 of Delusions of Gender, what does Fine mean by “we think, therefor you are.” How does this chapter illuminate the ways we implicitly and explicitly think about ourselves and one another within a cultural context? How does the culture at large prime us for gender in seemingly mundane and “neutral” ways? How […]

Research on Poverty (Graded Discussion)

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions: Share your reaction to the YouTube film “Nickel and Dimed: From the American Ruling Class.” Who is Barbara Ehrenreich? Describe her research methodology. What research method did she used?    Can her research methodology be considered sociological? Can her research method be considered scientific? Why?  After […]

ashford university 3 page Human Services Essay

Choose a very specific topic/article and population in Human Services You need to make sure to answer the following questions: How did the article come across to you as a reader? Is it written clearly and well organized? Who is the intended audience? Does the article clearly define its purpose? If a research based article, […]

OCC Inequality For All Movie Discussion

“Inequality for All” (90 minutes) – NOTETAKING GUIDE Featuring former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich Film is available in Media Services on dvd or streaming via www.video.oakton.edu Here are the 3 Central Questions of the film: A.What is happening in terms of income and wealth distribution? B.Why is it happening? C. Is inequality a problem? […]

Code of the Streets Questions

Times New Roman, double spaced. Two and half pages to three pages long. Use references from book. Two orientations- decent and street-organized the community socially, and the way they coexist and interact has important consequence for its residents particularly for children growing up in the inner city. How does this organization of social life in […]

Unnatural Causes in Sickness and In Wealth Discussion

This week we finish our exploration of social institutions and poverty by discussing the interaction between poverty and health & medicine. After completing this module, students should be able to: Explain how poverty affects access to and quality of medical care Identify food deserts and food insecurity and how they affect health and poverty Challenge […]

Health and Illness Questions

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Use the following sites to answer the enclosed prompt: The National Center for Health Statistics site has the most comprehensive collection of health data available: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/. The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration site, with full coverage of news and data about mental health: https://www.mentalhealth.org/. The National Library of Medicine site has information about health topics: https://medlineplus.gov/. List of industrialized (developed), developing, and transitional countries (April 2004): http://cencomed.sld.cu/oralvaccines/countries.pdf Links to an external site.  . Developed Countries, 2021: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings… Links to an external site. The World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/health-topics/universal-health… Links to an external site. Hint: Search ‘health coverage’ and/or ‘health conditions’  Use general search engines using ‘health coverage’ and ‘health conditions and the countries you are investigating.  i.) Many nations have national health coverage. Search the Internet for programs in at least two industrialized nations. Compare the information about coverage and health conditions in those nations with the United States. What facts could you use to support or reject a national health program in the country? Use the textbook as a guide–this will prevent you from getting overwhelmed while reviewing the work.