Entries by Valet

SOC 120 SCSU Environment and Civil Society Discussion

The readings from chapters 11, 15, 17, and 18 in Conley offer some insight into the sources of our environmental problems, as well as the potential avenues for solutions.  In addition, the PowerPoint lectures on Politics, Civil Society, and Leisure and Health, Environment and Population offer additional insight.   Clearly explain, according to material from […]

ACU Primitive Minds Essay

Discuss the idea of “primitive mind”, in relation to this idea of artistic purity. It’s an idea that is key to the concept of modernity, and which factors in many examples of artworks that we discuss in this class. Does primitive mind exit? What are the problems with accepting the existence of such a concept? […]

CSULA Sociology Gender Equality in the US Discussion

I’m working on a sociology question and need guidance to help me learn. In this chapter, we learned about the differential treatment in society depending on such factors as sex and/or gender. Some pundits argue that there is no need for laws protecting these groups because we are all equal under the law. Is there […]