Entries by Valet

young blood can reverse some signs of aging and improve cognitive abilities”.

http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/181818-vampirism-is-real-scientists-find-that-old-animals-can-be-rejuvenated-with-the-blood-of-the-young-and-innocent questions 1- The collection of data for scientific inquiry can be performed in a variety of methods. Would the administration of young blood to old mice be an example of an observational study or experimental based science? Explain your answer. 2- We currently live in a world with a lot of media outlets providing […]

bioengineering techniques in the Article: Sean Poulter, “Human Genes in Your Food: Rice crops to be genetically modified with human DNA,

Article: Sean Poulter, “Human Genes in Your Food: Rice crops to be genetically modified with human DNA, “Daily Mail, March 6, 2007. Power point presentation: 7-8 slides and one youtube video pertaining to the assigned article. Please address the following in the power point presentation: 1- What were the bioengineering techniques noted in the article? […]

how science should be incorporated into the curriculum. I

espond to the comments of 3 students below. Each Response must be exactly 100 words. NO WORK CITED PAGES Each response is to be specific to the original post of the individual to whom you are responding (in other words, you cannot post the same thing for each response). Each response should be a thoughtful reflection of the […]

compensation and benefits package 

ow that you have considered how to recruit and retain the employees you want in your organization, create a compensation and benefits package The package must be consistent with the objectives of job satisfaction for the valuable employees in an organization of your design. Include the following: Salaries and benefits packages of comparable organizations in […]

HSCI 460: Research in Health and Human Sciences

During this semester, you will develop a limited research proposal in your area of interest and related to this course. The first step is to develop a research question. For example, you may be interested in gender differences in development of diabetes – your initial question could be: Are there gender-based differences in the development […]

Meaning of orphan drug

Topic orphan drug 3 pages, APA format, references include Defines the term orphan drug( what is it, why we use it). The issue of cost and access are good ones for ethical considerations. Are there any other ethical considerations associated with orphan drugs?Explain why it is a consideration.Has OBI-999 been used in patients? What is […]

Microbial Growth and Metabolism

Discuss a Science Article about Microbial Growth and Metabolism? Remember a science article will have an introduction, material & methods section, conclusion and a summary. Science Articles are peer reviewed and do not include blogs. They are written by scientist working in that area of expertise. Be sure to create your discussion to meet all the grading criteria.

key trends in the world market for enzymes

What are the key trends in the world market for enzymes – how has the enzyme market grown over the past decade? How has the worldwide production of enzymes changed? Who are some of the current major players and what are their major products / markets? What need applications are emerging for the industrial use of […]

Characteristics of Life

Chapter one of almost every biology book discusses the characteristics of life.  Sometimes it is hard for students to grasp the meaning of the characteristics of life.  With this in mind, I would like for you to read chapter one and watch the BioNOW video titled, Characteristics of Life. After you have completed these tasks, answer the […]