biology research essay

First Steps

  • Thoroughly read the Research Project page for directions on how to choose a topic in sustainability.
  • The link to this page is found directly from our course homepage.

Short Essay Directions

  • Part of your project is to write a short essay on your research topic in your own words.
  • Please use a minimum of three sources to back up your statements on your topic.


  • You must write a 500-word short report in your own words on this topic.
  • This assignment has a Turnitin Plagiarism Checker built in automatically.
    • Your paper must match known sources by less than 20% or it will receive half credit.
  • Use at least 3 credible sources from our library database.
  • You must properly cite all sources in the APA style in your paper:

Uploading Checklist

  • To submit your paper, you are required to upload a .pdf version of the document
  • Do not forget to have your Works Cited section at the end of the submission
  • Please note that this assignment will ONLY accept file uploads that end with a .pdf extension
    • You must properly save your document as a pdf in order for the file to upload
    • Email your professor well before the due date if you need help saving a pdf