Broward College Health & Medical Presentation

Criterion 1: Creation of an infection control and training program for the healthcare facility that adheres to rules and regulations for the industry.

Depicts all of the following elements:
● Creates a hypothetical healthcare facility.
● Depicts an Infection control and training program for the facility.
● Includes appropriate rules of facility
● Includes appropriate regulations for the industry.

Criterion 2: Visual depiction of how individuals or groups can impact this process and their role in the process.

● Visually depiction identifies how at least two individuals and two groups can impact this process and their role in the process.

Criterion 3: Visual depiction of how the program and training will impact the facility and how success is monitored and measured.

Visual depiction includes all of the following elements:
● How program impacts the facility
● How program impacts the success of the facility
● How the program is monitored and measured.

Criterion 4: PowerPoint includes visually appealing images and presentation is concise and easy to understand and including APA formatting.

PowerPoint includes all of the following elements:
● Title Slide
● Appealing images/Design
● Concise and easy to Understand
● Reference Slide

Criterion 5: Academic references with in-text citations.

● Includes at least three academic references from multiple outside sources and/or course materials as required.

HA415_1904B_-4.1: Explain policymaking and legal process that underpin the individual health care and public health systems.

Student work indicates an advanced ability to explain policymaking and legal process that underpin the individual health care and public health systems.