Broward College Health & Medical Questions

Criterion 1: Sources of health insurance coverage in the United States

Clearly and fully describes many different health insurance coverage options in the United States and the % of the population covered by that insurance. 

Criteria 2

Criterion 2: Uninsured patients

Clearly and fully explains data about patients with no health insurance coverage and how they impact other patients, providers, and the quality of healthcare services.

Criteria 3

Criterion 3: Recommends a policy course of action to increase quantity and quality of health insurance options which is fair and equitable

Uses data to recommend a policy course of action to increase the quantity and quality of health insurance options which is fair and equitable. Explains the policy recommendation fully and clearly.

Criteria 4

Criterion 4: Writing Requirements

All of the following elements are met:

? Displays college-level writing in Standard English free of spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

? Minimal in-text citation errors such as a missing page number or a misplaced date may occur. 

? Minimal paper formatting errors such as a misplaced margin may occur. 

? Quotation marks and citations make authorship clear.

? Assignment is 3-4 pages in length not including the title page and reference page

Criteria 5

Criterion 5: Sources in APA format

Includes four academic references from multiple outside sources and/or course materials as required.


HA415_1904B_-2.1: Analyze the impact of healthcare reform on insurance coverage and financing alternatives.

The student work indicates an advanced ability to analyze the impact of healthcare reform on insurance coverage and financing alternatives.


GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English [Note: Standard English is the common language of educated professionals and is understood by people across different geographical regions,