business class 26

BA 3301 Current Event Assignment Guidelines & Data Inputs

Ch. 5: Business Ethics

Step 1: Select the Current Event Article-

  • Find a news article no older than 90 days from any of the following sources: Bloomberg, The Economist, New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, Houston Chronicle, Texas Monthly, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, MSNBC, Newsweek, or any reputable online journal or periodical.
  • The article MUST describe a business situation that has ethical (and legal) implications.
  • The topic must be relevant to an issue that a business or business professional or representative has made or is undergoing as it relates to Ch. 5.
  • You should read Ch. 5 section subtitles and content to check for article relevancy.
  • Provide the article link in your paper on the references page. If I am unable to locate the article, the assignment will receive a zero.

NOTE: If you do not know how to access the periodicals listed above, go on the Library homepage and attempt your search in Periodicals. If unsuccessful, contact the Research Librarian for assistance. The online chat function is usually available and is usually answered within a few minutes.

Article approval or review is NOT required. An article assessment and review for relevancy and understanding is necessary to be performed by each student based upon assignment criteria and the selected topic of interest via Ch. 5.

Step 2: Collect the Data

    • Why is the company now in the public spotlight?
    • Describe the ethical (and legal) problem(s) or dilemma presented in the article.
    • What went wrong with the business decision(s) described in your article?
    • Are there any laws and/or administrative agency regulations allegedly broken? If so, what is it?
      • You do not need to research the law itself.
      • Example, you could say something like ‘the banking regulations under Dodd-Frank Act’ or ‘financial regulations from the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau.’
    • Identify and briefly explain the moral theories and ethical principles described in your text and in the professor’s posted lecture.
    • Demonstrate that you understand what these theories and principles mean and how they could be used by management in making business decisions.
    • Select one theory or principle to apply to the situation described in your article and recommend a specific course of conduct.
    • Use the selected moral philosophies/ethical reasoning systems discussed above to analyze the problem(s) or dilemma or event described your article.
    • Show how management could use the selected theory or principle to address the problem or dilemma, guiding future action by the company so to prevent or lower the risk of noncompliance/unethical behavior by employees and management in the future.
    • Based on your analysis, make specific recommendations for the course of conduct you believe management (and/or other decision-makers) should take in this situation and future similar situations.
    • In other words, if you are decision-maker, what actions and policies do you want your company/employees to take when they find themselves facing this or similar issues?
    • Identify the specific behaviors you want to see.
      • What are your reasons (ethical/moral and legal) for recommending/ordering this course of action?
      • How is this good for the business/organization, consumer, and society overall?
      • Could the presence of GRC (governance, risk management and compliance) have an impact on the ethical issues presented?
    • Review your content to verify you clearly explained your decision process.
    • Your application of theory or principle(s) must demonstrate that you have:
      • Read and understood the moral theories and principles described in the text and posted lecture, and
      • Correctly applied the moral theory or ethical principle(s) used for your recommended course of action.
    • Failure to explain your reasoning will result in deducted points.
    • Use Ethics chapter (Ch. 5) in the textbook and the Ethics lecture posted in Blackboard as the main source of moral theories and ethical principles.
    • If you use additional sources, be sure to give citations.
    • You may format your citations within the body of the paper using parenthesis, or in a References (APA format) entry at the end of your paper.
    • Failure to provide citations to additional references can result in a zero on the assignment.
    • No outside research is required but is acceptable if directly on point.
    • Remember, when you cite or use exact language from another author (that is, you quote someone), you must be sure to use “quotation marks” around phrases quoted.
      • Failing to show quotes this way is plagiarism. See the UHD Library link explaining plagiarism and citations at

Step 3- Save the Data Inputs

Save your data inputs in a Word document. This will be helpful for creating the PowerPoint presentation.

Current Event PRESENTATION Assignment Guidelines –

Chapter 5 Business Ethics

Step 1 – Create the Presentation

Using the Data Inputs above, create the presentation by following the ‘Slide Format’ below.

  • There is no max number of slides, but there is a minimum of seven (7) REQUIRED.
  • Please note, the following slides are not included in the slide count: Introduction/Title, Agenda, and References.
  • The presentation should be between 7-10 minutes.

Slide Format
The PowerPoint presentation should display critical thinking ability.

  • Introduction/Title Slide
  • Agenda Slide
  • Article Overview and Summary (brief) (What Happened? Explain)
  • Identify Ethical Issue, Problem or Dilemma (Why is this a problem? Explain)
  • Discuss matters of Professional Liability and Accountability, if any.
  • Does this case bring about issues of Corporate Social Responsibility? How? Why?
  • Moral Theories and Ethical Principles (How do they apply to this situation?)
  • Ethical/Moral Course of Action (What should be done? Why?)
  • Conclusion (Recommendation about what should happen moving forth for this specific situation? And for the business community?
  • References (APA formatted citations)
    • Verify that you clearly explained your decision process.
    • Your application of theory or principle(s) must demonstrate that you have:
      • Read and understood the moral theories and principles described in the text and posted lecture, and
      • Correctly applied the moral theory or ethical principle(s) used for your recommended course of action.
    • Failure to explain your reasoning will result in deducted points.

Step 2: Review your Content

Review the assignment Grade Rubric in the Assignment folder. You can print the Rubric and score yourself prior to submission.

Step 3- Record the Presentation

Follow the instructions for recording a Zoom presentation that can be found in the assignment Dropbox

1.Review the assignment Grade Rubric in the Assignment folder. You can print the Rubric and score yourself prior to submission.

2.Save your document. Submit using the Zoom Recording instructions for One Drive. Attach the file link in the assignment Dropbox.

3.Late Submissions: The Current Event presentation assignment dropbox will close once the date/time deadline passes. If the assignment is submitted late, it will receive a 10-point penalty.