Can you write this essay Nationalism Imperialism and Reform? History Homework Help
Multi-paragraph paper
Two pages, double-spaced
In this paper, you will choose one broad topic from this unit and develop an argument about it. The broad topics are:
How do I complete the paper?
Refer back to the lesson on Arguments at the beginning of the course if you need to refresh your understanding of arguments.
Choose one of the broad topics above and narrow it down to a manageable topic for your paper. For example, you might narrow “reform” by focusing on the reforms that the Bolsheviks wanted to make in Russia. You could further narrow by focusing on just a few of the reforms in the Bolshevik platform.
Create a claim that states your stance on the narrowed topic. For example, your claim might be that the Bolsheviks were not justified in their demands.
Differentiate your claim from counter-claims that an opposing argument might use. For example, a counter-claim might be that the tsars were incapable of ruling Russia well. You should be able to disprove any counterclaim that you offer.
Offer fair and convincing evidence that supports your claim. Point out the strengths or limitations of any evidence that might support your claim or the counterclaims you offer.
Use transitions that link your ideas together and help the audience understand your main ideas.
Use and maintain a formal style and objective tone.
Provide a conclusion that adequately summarizes and re-establishes your claim.