Capella University Medication Errors Research Paper
Write a 4-6 page analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications.
In your health care career, you will be confronted with many problems that demand a solution. By using research skills, you can learn what others are doing and saying about similar problems. Then, you can analyze the problem and the people and systems it affects. You can also examine potential solutions and their ramifications. This assessment allows you to practice this approach with a real-world problem.
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Assessment 2 (from the Assessment Topic Areas media piece) and provide details about it.
Assessment topic areaIntroductionSelecting a topic for your written assessments can be challenging, but it’s important to make a thoughtful choice.Choose a topic area of interest to you from the topic suggestions in this media piece. You will use this topic to complete Assessments 2 and 3. Be sure to select a topic that will be manageable for a written assessment.To explore the chosen topic, you should use the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach, focusing on the sections specifically called out in the assessment guidelines.Topic 1: Limited Access to HealthcareShort Description:Consumers face barriers to healthcare access for assorted reasons. For example: due to geographic location, provider availability, transportation issues and mobility.Potential Intervention Approaches:– Healthcare information online– Telemedicine– In–home healthcare servicesKeywords for Articles:online health information seeking, health care access, health information systems, consumer health information, chronic disease, health information search, health seeking behavior, rural nursingReferences:Bhandari, N. (2014). Seeking health information online: does limited healthcare access matter? Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA (1067-5027), 21 (6), p. 1113., K., Hoti, K., Hughes, J. D., & Emmerton, L. (2014). Dr Google and the Consumer: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Navigational Needs and Online Health Information-Seeking Behaviors of Consumers with Chronic Health Conditions. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(12), e262.…Ware, P., Bartlett, S. J., Paré, G., Symeonidis, I., Tannenbaum, C., Bartlett, G., … Ahmed, S. (2017). Using eHealth Technologies: Interests, Preferences, and Concerns of Older Adults. Interactive Journal of Medical Research, 6(1), e3.…Pratt, D. (2015). Telehealth and telemedicine. Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology. (1059-4280), 25 (3), p. 495.…Topic 2: Healthcare DisparitiesShort Description:In 2010, the Federal Department of Human and Health Service (DHHS) launched the Healthy People 2020 goals to include a goal to eliminate health inequality/disparity. Healthy People 2020 defines a health disparity as “a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have systematically experienced greater obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group; religion; socioeconomic status; gender; age; mental health; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; sexual orientation or gender identity; geographic location; or other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion” (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2017, p.1).Potential Intervention Approaches:– Federal goals– Community health improvement plans– Patient advocacy efforts– “Triple Aim” for populationsKeywords for Articles:health disparities, community health assessment, community health improvement plan, strategic planning, local health departments, health inequitiesReferences:Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2017). Disparities. Retrieved from…Shah G.H., & Sheahan J.P. (2016). Local health departments’ activities to address health disparities and inequities: Are we moving in the right direction? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016; 13(1):44. for Healthcare Improvement. (2017). Triple Aim for Populations.…Topic 3: Medication ErrorsShort Description:A medication error is a preventable adverse effect of a patient taking the wrong medication or dosage, whether or not it is evident or harmful to the patient. Medication errors can be a source of serious patient harm, including death.Potential Intervention Approaches:– Medical staff education– Packaging improvements– Patient medication safety trainingKeywords for Articles:medication administration, medication errors, medication safetyReferences:Cohen, M. (2016). Medication errors (miscellaneous). Nursing. 46(2):72, February 2016. DOI: 10.1097/01.NURSE.0000476239.09094.06Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2017). Improve Core Processes for Administering Medications.…Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2012). Table 6: Categories of Medication Error Classification.…Schmidt, K., Taylor, A., & Pearson, A. (2017). Reduction of medication errors: A unique approach. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 32(2), April/June 2017, 150–156.Topic 4: Healthcare System ErrorsShort Description:The health care system in the United States has been the subject of much debate as experts try to determine the best way to deliver high-quality care. In Crossing the Quality Chasm, the Institute of Medicine (2001) called for the redesign of health care delivery systems and their external environments to promote care that is safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable.Potential Intervention Approaches:– Systemwide transformation– Process redesign– Electronic health recordsKeywords for Articles:multi-stakeholder collaboration, healthcare system redesignReferences:Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America. (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US).Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2017). Hospitals and Health Systems.…Roberts, B. (2017). Relationship-based care: The institute of medicine’s core competencies in action. Creative Nursing, 05/2016, 22(2).