ASSIGNMENT 2 FINAL DRAFT OF RESEARCH PROJECT– Carefully review your research questions, outline, and map to compose a 2000-3000 word research paper that accomplishes the following: Clearly and explicitly state your research questions Carefully review the resources that you previously mapped Synthesize and summarize these resources, providing clear and precise attributions and citations Analyze and explain how this info does and/or does not address your research questions. Identify additional questions that emerged from your research. Clearly identify what specific themes, events, and/or histories from the course inform your research 1). What were the specific policies and programs of the Great Society, and how did they respond to poverty? 2). Explain what is meant by the ‘second reconstruction’, and how it was defeated or failed. 3). How did the expansion of civil rights fail to address racism and poverty in the US? 4). What role did police play in this period, and how did their power expand? ASSIGNMENT 5 SOCILOGY 140 FINAL Assignment 4: Final Project “In-Class Presentation”: Use what you have learned from the interview and your literature search to prepare a presentation for the class (about 5-8 minutes long) on the particular field of service/population you have been studying. Be prepared to share with the class (via presentations turned in online) the nature of the problem dealt with by your population of concern. By the end of your presentation the class should all understand what your population of concern looks like, educational background of the social worker interviewed, funding sources, what the agency does in working with them, how successful they are, and how the service delivery system might be improved. You are free to use whatever format feels most appropriate such as handouts (samples of a handout can be shared), visual aids and other forms of multimedia presentations however YOU MUST post a video of this presentation in the discussion in order to receive full credit.