KC Impact of Social Media on Social Isolation Discussion

You will find 5 debate questions with two position options each below. For this discussion board, you will take both positions in one of the questions and then debate other classmates on their positions.  Example Debate Question: Is technology a catalyst or hindrance to social change? Position A: Argue that technology plays a significant role […]

discussion and comments


SOC 306 NIU Sociology Question

Please choose ONE of the following options for your final paper: 1. Interview a professional who works directly with people who identify as women/trans/nonbinary/queer. Construct questions theoretically informed by course readings. For example, what are the key challenges that people they work with face? How do they help others to achieve their goals? What kind […]

Criminal Justice System And Reformatory Capabilities Discussion

Throughout history and into present day, common themes have formed around punishment, oppression, and society standards–creating individuals who are docile and society contract upholders. As shown throughout all of the assigned readings, colonization and the beginning of capitalism set up a destructive path for groups and individuals that appeared “different” from the original colonizers. This […]

UCSD Global Hegemony and Labor Dynamics Scholarly Intervention

The purpose of the scholarly intervention is to critically engage the readings, lectures, and cultural texts discussed in class. The scholarly intervention will be 5 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and 1-inch margin all around. Citation should follow the American Sociological Association guideline. You must accurately cite the readings, lectures, and cultural texts. […]

SOCI 1001 Lander University Cooleys Concept of The Looking Glass Self Essay

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Use Cooley’s, “Looking Glass Self”–discuss how you see yourself and how others view you.   

SOC 497 GCC Effects of Social Media on Body Image Worksheet

 briefly sketch some key elements of a hypothetical research project (one you’re inventing or making up