SOC205 Global Capitalism and Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels: Manifesto of the Communist Party

First, read the introductory essay located in Section Two of the course text, Social Theory Re-Wired. Then, read the classical theoretical work by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party in Section Two of the course text, Social Theory Re-wired. Perhaps no piece of social theory is as well known (and, in […]

UU Articles Based on Theories of Social Deviance Essay

Find three news articles about empirical instances of social deviance/crime/social control this year (2023). These three news articles should be about a common topic(s)-that is, they speak to a common deviant act(s), criminal behavior(s), or agent(s) of social control  Write a thorough summary of the three news articles you find. At the beginning of this […]

​1. What is sociology and the sociological perspective?

1.  What is sociology and the sociological perspective?  What do you see are some of the most important uses of sociology?  What is meant by the nature vs. nurture debate in the social sciences?  Describe and compare and contrast functional theory, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.  Who are the major contributors (theorists) to each theory? […]

Complete Early Childhood Discussion (SHASTA)

I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to study. Week 2 Discussion: Understanding Child Development Theory Course Objective 1: Examine and discuss major theories of child development. Theories help us interpret and predict the developmental process. While they are not always correct, they provide a useful framework for making sense of what might […]

HUM 1020 Medieval Church Discussion Questions

I need support with this Sociology question so I can learn better. What powers and authority did the Church exercise in medieval society?  Illustrate and provide support for the ways in which the Church played both a religious and secular role in medieval society.

How ‘community policing’ is the most effective policing style

The purpose of this paper is to effectively argue which of the covered theories you feel would be most useful and successful in reducing crime, building community relationships, and increasing officer safety. Consisting of 5-6 pages, please include the headings and content as indicated below: Introduction: Include a brief introduction to the paper indicating the theory/model that will be explored. The Theory: Describe the theory you believe would be most successful in addressing the goals above. Using support from class and outside readings clearly outline this model of policing and the theories or philosophy that support it. The Support: Using class and scholarly articles as well as any local information/statistics, provide a detailed, well-supported section on how this theory is successful. Explain, integrate, and apply at least FOUR assigned course readings AND find 3-4 scholarly, sociological or criminological articles to explore how the field has/is discussing this problem. Show examples of communities that have thrived under this model and/or departments that have found it effective. Clearly indicate how the theory addresses and meets the policing goals stated above. Application: Create a specific plan, similar to the one in week 5, where you use your chosen theory to push for specific changes in police organization, practices, training, etc. It is in this section that you will consider how you might apply the theory to real material and physical changes within your imaginary department. Avoid vagueness; for example, do not just say ‘I would have more training’ but rather clarify what you would implement for recruits and how you think implementing such a practice is aligned with your theory. Conclusion: Address how you might use what you have learned once you get into the academy/on the street. What knowledge have you learned and how might you translate it into useful skills while an officer

CSULA Syrian Culture Discussion

I’m working on a sociology question and need guidance to help me learn. With what cultural group or groups do you identify? What symbols (music, art, language, food, drink, clothing, dance, jewelry, tattoos, etc.) are associated with your cultural identity? Do you believe that any of your cultural symbols might be considered stereotypes? If so, […]

Sociology Leaders of Tomorrow & Community Education Discussion

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Please respond to the following questions: Do you believe that enough time has been devoted to providing community education related to child abuse, teen pregnancy, and substance use among youth? Why or why not? If you were approached […]