
I’m working on a sociology question and need guidance to help me learn. If you could study anything you wanted related to sociology, what would you study, and why? Why is your research topic important to science and what research method, or methods, would you use for your research?  

CCC Sexuality, family, and religion

Go to go to this Humans of New York website https://www.humansofnewyork.com/series explore a series for stories based on either sexuality, family, or religion. In a 1-2 page paper, summarize the Series article you chose and explain how the Series feature relates to a sociological issue in sexuality, family, or religion that you read in your […]

UIC Relationships Impacted by The Advancement of Technology Discussion

This week’s readings talk bout the deteriorating social bonds in the contemporary American society. However, we see a paradox when it comes to our social interactions. With advancements in technology, we are connected to people across the globe but at the same time we have lost strong social bonds with those around us, our families, […]

displaced person – 550 words

There are a number of diseases that are consistently seen in displaced populations.  Please explain potential causes for these outbreaks. What are potential solutions for addressing these disease outbreaks? Readings: File Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Humanitarian Emergencies Among Refugee and Internally-Displaced Populations.pdf (311.22 KB)  Vaccine-preventable diseases in humanitarian emergencies among refugee and internally-displaced populations Eugene Lam, […]

WLAC Sociology Questions

LSU Sociology Theme of Violence and Social Constraint in Society Paper

Need help with my Sociology question – I’m studying for my class. Durkheim is the first person  to “practice” Sociology.  In doing so, he weaves several major themes through each of his most significant works (Elementary Forms of Religious Life, Suicide, The Division of Labor in Society).  Identify at least two of his major themes […]

Glendale Community College Sociology Paper

sociology assignment needs to be done within 3 pages. Chose ONE film that includes love intimacy and sex. Make sure it’s a film within 10 years. You will write a paper of a minimum of three pages that demonstrates how you connect your selection(s) to what we learn in class, followed by how this media […]

Strayer Univeristy Views on Mass Media Essay

Write a 3/4 to 1-page journal entry (approximately 250 words) in which you in your opinion  Describe one or two (1-2) experiences with mass media (movies or television) that affected you positively or negatively, explaining when, how, and why. Complete the page/word amount requirement.   Write with clarity, following mechanics and formatting requirements.

UCI Tech Talk Blog Reflection

Read a blog post on Contexts: Sociology for the Public Then, write a 1-2 page reflection on the blog. Include the following: Write a one paragraph summary of the blog topic (so I know the general theme) Connect the blog post to lecture materials i.e. Is the information consistent with what you’ve learned in class? […]