Sociology Study of Feminist Theory Essay
Watch the movie Shadows . If the link in Blackboard does not work on your home computer, follow the directions in the instruction sheet for how to use Kanopy in this folder. Choose ONE of the following theorists of sociology: George Simmel, George Herbert Mead, W.E.B. du Bois. (Points will be taken off if you choose more than one theorist in this portion of the essay). Describe in detail three or more concepts introduced by the theorist. Apply the theorist’s concepts using illustrations from the film. Explain in detail one or more limitations of the theorist’s concepts in explaining what you observed in the film. What is lacking from the theory? What does it not address in the context of the film? Consider the work of other theorists and whether their theories address certain aspects of the film more effectively. Consider the limitations of the theorist’s theoretical approach (for example: micro/macro, nomothetic or ideographic, historical context, etc. – It may be helpful to review the class notes from the first three class days). Remember to organize your argument in a coherent way. Sentence structure and grammar are important. Properly cite your references Include a bibliography. Do not cite your class notes. Cite original sources (included in the Blackboard folders or from the library). Use the MLA Citation Style Guide: Author-Date Style: Essay Exam 2 (Option 2) Essay Exam 2 (Option 2)Papers should be 7 or more pages. Do not use bullet points in the essay. Watch one episode of one of the following television programs: Modern Family, Blackish, Fresh Off the Boat. Choose ONE of the following theorists: Robert K. Merton, Ralf Dahrendorf, Herbert Marcuse or Erving Goffman Describe in detail three or more concepts introduced by the theorist. Apply the theorist’s concepts using illustrations from the show. Explain in detail one or more limitations of the theorist’s concepts in explaining what you observed in the film. What is lacking from the theory? What does it not address in the context of the film? Consider the work of other theorists and whether their theories address certain aspects of the film more effectively. Consider the limitations of the theorist’s theoretical approach (for example: micro/macro, nomothetic or ideographic, historical context, etc. – It may be helpful to review the class notes from the first three class days). Remember to organize your argument in a coherent way. Sentence structure and grammar are important. Properly cite your references Include a bibliography. Do not cite your class notes. Cite original sources (included in the Blackboard folders or from the library). Use the MLA Citation Style Guide: Author-Date Style: Essay Exam 2 (Option 3) Essay Exam 2 (Option 3)Papers should be 7 or more pages. Do not use bullet points in the essay.1. Choose one of the following movies: The Mask You Live In or The Souls of Black Girls. Read the instructions for how to find films in Kanopy f the link in Blackboard does not work on your home computer. 2. Choose any two theories from among the four areas of contemporary feminist theories that we have considered in class. Gender difference Cultural feminism Existential feminism Feminist institutional theory Feminist interactionist theory Gender Inequality Liberal Feminism Rational Choice Theory Gender Oppression Psychoanalytic Feminism Radical Feminism Structural Oppression Socialist Feminism Intersectionality Theory 3. Compare and contrast the two theories using examples from the movie to illustrate your points.4. Remember to organize your argument in a coherent way. Sentence structure and grammar are important.5. Properly cite your references Include a bibliography. Cite original sources (included in the Blackboard folders or from the library). You may also cite your text. Use the MLA Citation Style Guide: Author-Date Style: Exam Essay 2 (Option 4) Exam Essay 2 (Option 4)Papers should be 7 or more pages. Do not use bullet points in the essay. Choose any movie that illustrates a social phenomenon and one theorist that we have covered in class whose theory you believe can explain the social phenomenon illustrated in the movie. The theorist may not be Marx, Durkheim or Weber (automatic grade of zero). Points will be taken off if you choose more than one theorist in this portion of the essay. Describe in detail three or more concepts introduced by the theorist. […]
John P Stevens High School HBO Documentary Without Pity A Film About Abilities Essay
1) View the HBO documentary “Without Pity: A Film About Abilities” at this link – (Links to an external site.) 2) Submit a paper that discusses, within the framework of normalization, how each of these individuals Samantha, Charlie, Frank, Josh and his sister, and the Ms. Wheelchair contestants deal with their activities of daily […]
Review Checkpoint 4
I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance. answer the following questions: What is stratification? What are the different social variables or areas/categories of stratification? What area/category of stratification do you think has most impacted your life?
SOC 450 Threats Defense Argument Reflection
The information you provided in your presentation on Threats to the Global Environment has led to productive debates at the UN General Assembly! There are now questions about prioritizing the issues at hand. Some of the countries are challenging your recommendations and questioning your reasons for not including the issues they believe are priority. From […]
GEN499: General Education Capstone (GSV2311D)
Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research QuestionLinks to an external site. web page and Integrating ResearchLinks to an external site. tutorial. These resources will help you in developing a topic. It is also recommended that you review these tutorials from the UAGC Library: […]
UI The Hiding of Jews During the Holocaust Discussion
I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Rosa Parks’ act of deviance is noted as the launching point for the civil rights movement in the United States. What other historical acts of deviance later came to be known as heroic acts? What do these now-heroic […]
UCHS Cultural Characteristics of Asian American Groups Discussion
Another example of group diversity. The Asian American community is made up of numerous cultures, languages, and history in the U.S. These groups have a variety of faiths, from Buddhism to Confucianism, Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity. Cultural traits “tend to stress group membership, kinship relations, sensitivity to the opinions and judgments of others,” This is different from our cultural traits. Like many world cultures, “traditional Asian cultures are male dominated, and women were consigned to subordinate roles.” (our textbook). All these traits would change to some degree through assimilation like the third and fourth generation Japanese Americans. Today, the Asian American population is the fastest growing group in the United States. Asian cultures stress the importance of maintaining respect, good opinions of others, avoid shame, and public humiliation, and uphold honor. Asians believe in Anglo conformity and hard work, while retaining culture (pluralism). Chinese women are faithful and serve their husband and eldest son. Women under Confucianism had four virtues: Chastity, obedience, shyness, a pleasing demeanor, skill in domestic duties. Some of these are common to other cultures that are “patriarchal.” Chinese and Japanese labor and union experience in the U.S. is well documented, they are part of the U.S. labor history, and their history is also marked by immigration. Policies like the “Alien Act,” and “Interment Act” Pay attention to the Asian SES that shows high educational success, attending college in high numbers, living in White middle class neighborhoods. Because of this success, Asians are often referred to as the “model minority,” Why? Yet, many reject this idea of “model minority. Chapter 10 profiles the new immigrant using a variety of factors based on: country of origin-developed or underdeveloped (rich or poor), are they from rural or urban areas from the old country or in the U.S., language assimilation old language or English, skills, religion, reason for leaving? When they entered the U.S., are they welcome, types of jobs, live, experience prejudice and discrimination like are other groups? Select one of the following questions. Be sure to include, name, question number, and date. 1. Asian Americans are widely thought of as being successful in U.S. society. How accurate is this portrait of the “model minority?” Compare and contrast the cultural and structural explanation of the contemporary situations of Chinese and Japanese Americans. 2. Does the history of Japanese and Chinese Americans contain any lessons for other minority groups? Have these groups found a pathway to “success” that could be followed by Native American Indians? African Americans, and Latinx Americans? Why or why not? 3. Describe the cultural characteristics of Asian American groups and explain how these characteristics shaped relations with the larger U.S. society? 4. What gender differences characterizes Asian American groups? What are some of the important ways in which the experiences of women and men vary? How do you think young Asian American women are changing, or not, their status in American society and culture? 5. Chapter 10 profiles the new immigrants using a variety of factors based on: country of origin-developed or undeveloped countries(rich or poor), are they from a rural or urban area back home, language and transition to English, class background, skills or unskilled, education, religion, and why they leave? What are the “push/pull” factors that motivated their emigration? How are they welcome and do they experience prejudice, discrimination, or hate? 6. In the chapter section, “Costs and Benefits,” do immigrants or undocumented individuals cost more than they contribute to society? What kind of education and occupational qualifications do they possess? Does immigration harm or help the U.S,? Use chapter 10 for this question. These two questions are in the forefront of today’s media, politics, Congress and the President. Poli sci classes are really into the issue of immigration.Keep or xerox chapter 10.
Ashford University Special Interest Center Discussion Questions
I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to study. Interest centers are a great way to involve children in learning. Puppetry center Provide the following information in this post: For your chosen interest center, discuss the special considerations you must make for this center in terms of the space you will need, […]