The United Way Online Family Advocacy Discussion

Online family advocacy   Educators should possess resources that provide support to families.  This assignment requires you to conduct an online search to identify 3 agencies/organizations that provide resources or services to families.  Including, government, for-profit, and non-profit that provide resources/information for families.  Avoid agencies that support early childhood professionals.  In addition, these organizations often […]

CCC Moonlight 2016 Film Discussion

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. How does the film Moonlight exhibit the layers of identities? How might structural violence interact with intersectionality of identity?  In what ways does the film inform you about our own culture?

Complete Scenario Assignment (TILLMAN)

I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance.

AMU Maritime Security & Piracy and Armed Robbery Paper

Instructions Assume that you are an employee of a non-governmental organization (NGO) interested in improving security for ports and ships utilizing new technology.  Your supervisor has asked you to produce an information paper in which you discuss at least two issues (each of which must be directly related to maritime law) that need to be […]

SOC 120 SCSU Work and Inequality Discussion

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Watch the PowerPoint presentations “Social Class”, “Economy, Work and Working”, and read the chapters 7, 10, and 14 on stratification, poverty and capitalism, respectively in Conley textbook.  What is the current trend regarding inequality in the U.S.?  How has […]

hegemony functions discussion post

I’m trying to learn for my Sociology class and I’m stuck. Can you help? Explain how hegemony functions in terms of the below text. The book is harriet jacobs life of a slave girl No formatting is required. It is a discussion post.  Make irt as clear 

Rasmussen University Digital World Discussion

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need guidance to help me learn. See attachment  The Browns have experienced digital adaption in each of the different social structures. Explain how the Brown family has adapted.  

Definition Essay

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need a reference to help me learn. Define ssociology.

How Law of Belief and Law of Expectation Impacts being a member of a Team Discussion

What are your own thoughts on how the Law of Belief and Law of Expectation impact you managing or being a team member on a project?