Sociological Theory in The Classical Era Book Reflection

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need support to help me learn. 1.Moreover, I encourage you to make connections between the reading you are reflecting on and other readings or material previously discussed in class. In addition, you can add a critical commentary on the article/chapter, pointing out what you consider as its […]

social moment

SOC 1010 AU Social and Economic Characteristics of Los Angeles Report

Demographic Report This assignment is closely related to the final Research Paper in Week Five. Please review the instructions for that paper before beginning this assignment. For this Week Three assignment, you will present demographic data on the city, town, or county where you currently live in preparation for the Research Paper, which is due […]

UofM Unveiling Healthcare Inequities Disparities in Access and Treatment Discussion

Is our healthcare system fair? Why or why not? How do access and treatment vary for people based on their gender? What about access/treatment based on markers of identity (choose one from race, ethnicity, class, religion, ability, etc.)? Please employ direct evidence from your reading this week to make your case. Then, think back to […]

Letter to Ancestor

SOC 423 CSU San Marcos George Homans Social Exchange Theory Discussion & Responses

Please post (in a reply to my discussion prompt)   One interesting way to think about applying the exchange model is to analyze interactions and relationships we have experienced. Using the theoretical insights of at least two theorists try to develop an exchange theoretical account of at least two different interactions relationships you have experienced […]

Study Guide 2

Sociology Personal Safety Boise Polices Video Discussion

I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance. Step 1. Go to Step 2. In the Search box at the top, type in the word Personal Safety  Step 3. Find a video that you want to learn more about that talk about Personal Safety, not just the first one that […]

SOC 1010 PGCC Family Dynamics Presentation

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to explore how families have changed over time. Be sure to include the contributors to the various changes. The presentation should consist of at least eight (not to exceed 10) slides as described below: Slide 1: Introduction Slide 2: A narrative discussing how the family has changed over time? Explicitly note […]