NYU Sociology Sociological Approach to Poverty Essay

This assignment is an opportunity to practice the sociological approach to the study of society (along with its relevant concepts, terms and theoretical approaches) and demonstrate your critical reflections on a topic of your choice.  you will write either on a social issue (you will be free to choose your own topic as long as […]

University of Nevada Las Vegas Victim Blaming Reflection Paper

Your reflection paper will be based on the review of Crawford’s (1977) article entitled “You are dangerous to your health .You are welcome to read the whole article, but you should definitely read pages 663-64 and 671-78. The reflection paper should contain the following information: 1. Briefly describe the ideology of victim blaming. What does […]

HLSS 498 AMU Opinion on Intelligence and Homeland Security Paper

The goal of this paper for you to write your opinion on Intelligence and Homeland Security without using first or second person. In this paper, you get the opportunity to write your point of view on the material reviewed during the week – and the best part is that there is no wrong answer! This […]

SOCI 3422 UM Importance and Significance of Dolores Huerta Discussion

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Discuss the importance of Dolores Huerta and her significance of working alongside Cesar Chavez  for the Mexican American community? What were the successes of the movement they led? What challenges/barriers were faced in their efforts?  PLEASE SEE BELOW […]


This chapter focuses on the power of religion and spirituality in women’s lives. It analyzes the ways religion is a force that both marginalizes women and provides opportunities for them. According to the text, what are the central ways women have been oppressed by religion? How do language and religion work together to shape gender? […]

Choose two additional selections from part 2 in Gender Outlaws and personally reflect on these passages.

Choose two additional selections (EXCEPT “The Wrong Body” by Scott Turner Schofield and “Performance Piece” by Julia Sereno) from part 2 in Gender Outlaws and personally reflect on these passages. Which two are you focusing on for this discussion? How have they challenged and confronted you? How have they opened your eyes and expanded your […]

Theories/Sociological Terms

Throughout the course of this semester select five (5) Sociological Theories/Sociological Terms that were covered in this class and create a project that transforms what you learned into how you see these concepts in action in the world around you.   Directions for Each Story Page: worth: 18 points per page + 5 points for […]

UC The Role of Neuroscience for Development of Leaders Question

what is the role of neuroscience in the selection and development of appropriate leaders in the 21st century?  

Empowering Intersex Individuals and Patriarchal Perspectives Discussion

First Document Intersex (Graded Discussion) Write 2 paragraphs answering the following questions: How should parents raise their intersex children: as girls, boys or intersex? Would it be better for society to recognize 3 sexes instead of two? Why? Second  Document Gender Stratification (Graded Assignment) Write 2 thoughtful paragraphs answering the following questions: Is the USA […]