Celebrity vs Fashion, Tourism and Roots Of Suicide

Write a paper that answers three  sets of questions from the following list of four sets of questions (Your Choice!): 1.Fashion and celebrity have a close connection to each other.  Compare and contrast Simmel’s theory of fashion with Kurzman and colleagues’ theory of celebrity.   • What are the major components of Simmel’s theory?  • […]

I am working on a sociology multi part question.

One possible job that people with knowledge of political sociology can do is to work for international organizations such as the United Nations or NGOs such as Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International. Part of the work of these organizations is to monitor human rights abuses -such as ethnic cleansing and genocide- in order to report on them and inform the public For this assignment, you should write a four-page report on the U.S.’s treatment of its Native American population by using Mann’s chapter as your source of knowledge. An example is provided in the Blackboard folder for the assignment. The example on the Rwandan genocide published by Human Rights Watch is considerably longer than your assignment (the whole report was 1000+ pages and relied on witness interviews). I am providing it so that you can get a sense of the language and key elements. You can also consult other pages for ideas, like: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/12/ethiopia-new-wave-of-atrocities-in-western-tigray/ INSTRUCTIONS Use the Mann chapter on settler colonies and genocide to pretend that you are an observer in the U.S. when violence was perpetrated against its Native American population. After reading the chapter, organize and paraphrase the information that he provides as a report to cover the following sections: 1) A brief summary of ethnic cleansing in the U.S. (who, where, and when?)- half a page  2) Elite Actors (one page) Are there political leaders, state institutions etc…that have encouraged the genocide? Who are they, how have they justified ethnic cleansing policies? Provide some evidence 3) Perpetrators (one page) Who are the ordinary citizens who have participated in violence? Why have they participated? 4) Strategies and victims (one page) What are some of the tactics that were used to perpetrate ethnic cleansing? Who were the victims? Give some evidence (you do not need to use every example Mann provides, instead focus on the two or three examples you find the most striking or representative of what happened) 5) Conclusion (half a page): how could the violence have been prevented? NOTE: Any citations or reference to Mann or other texts should be provided using the ASA format.

California State University San Marcos The General Social Survey Questions

I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. The General Social Survey We will be using the General Social Survey (GSS) for our final paper in this class. So this week I want you to just practice getting into the website and poking around. Below is […]

BU Sociology the Role of Women in American Religious Life Discussion

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Prompt: Explore the changing role of women in American religious life. There are many current debates and controversies that you could address. Examples include: Ordaining women in the Catholic and Anglican Church The role of women in the […]

Food insecurity in subsaharan Africa.

Do a case studybof food insecurity in sub-saharan Africa. Expain and include in text citation and referenced. 

Journal assignmnet

Reading: 1. Marshall, Wayne. 2010. The Rise and Fall of Reggaeton: From Daddy Yankee to Tego Calderón and Beyond. In The Afro-Latin@ Reader: History and Culture in the United States, edited by Miriam Jiménez Román and Juan Flores, 396-403. Durham: Duke University Press. (Posted on Blackboard) Choose a passage (no more than one paragraph) in the readings assigned from which you learned something new. 

Research on Poverty Discussion

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions:   Share your reaction to the YouTube film “Nickel and Dimed: From the American Ruling Class.” Who is Barbara Ehrenreich? Describe her research methodology. What research method did she used? Can her research methodology be considered sociological? Can her research method be considered scientific? Why? After […]

Our Lady of The Lake University Family Assessment Paper

There are two parts to this assignment: a family interview and an assessment paper. In Week 2, perform an interview of the volunteer family identified in Week 1 using a structure based on one of the theoretical frameworks covered in the course: Multi-generational Human validation Structural Cognitive-behavioral Solution-focused Narrative Notes: The interview aims to collect […]

SDSU Sociology Delusions of Gender Reflection Essay

Outlaws, Gender. “The Next Generation.” Kate Bornstein and S. Bear Bergman, eds (2010). Outline and reflect on the main points the author notes in chapters 17 – 19 of Delusions of Gender. How do these points offer new ways to think about gender? What points surprised you? Illuminated something new? Offered you new ways to […]