advanced clinical social work practice

DSM-5-TR Parent/Guardian-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure—Child Age 6–17* Directions: Access the Online Assessment Measures link in the Learning Resources. On that site, explore at least three different assessment tools for adolescents under the various categories. A few that you may consider are: Level 2, Substance Use, Child Age 11 to 17; Severity Measure for Depression, Child Age 11 to 17; and Severity Measure for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Child Age 11 to 17. Select one assessment tool that you can see yourself using in practice with adolescent clients. Do not use the same tool that you chose last week. Consider why you have chosen this assessment tool and its strengths and limitations. 1-page paper analyzing the adolescent assessment tool you have chosen: Why did you select the assessment tool? Why might it be especially helpful for use with adolescents? What challenges or limitations might there be for this assessment tool?  

SMC The Influence of White Nationalist and Right Wing Populist Organizations on Right Wing Politics Public Discourse and Media Questions

The questions you need to answer are: How are white nationalist and right-wing populist organizations influencing and influenced by right wing politics, public discourse and media? The essay needs to incorporate and cite the film “United States of Conspiracy” and the four files attached (Dixit, Amaya, Hyzen & Bulck, Maskovsky

Grantham University Accounting Standards Board Discussion

Assignment: Comprehensive Assessment A comprehensive understanding of a client’s presenting problems depends on the use of multiple types ofassessment models. Each model gathers different information based on theoretical perspective and intent. An assessment that focuses on one area alone not only misses vital information that may be helpful in planning an intervention, but may encourage […]

UCSD Undocumented Immigrants in The United States Reading Response

Reading : • Podcast: Latino USA “An Unexpected Home” :… • Abrego, Leisy J. 2011. “Legal Consciousness of Undocumented Latinos: Fear and Stigma as Barriers to Claims-Making for First- and 1.5-Generation Immigrants.” Law & Society Review. All the material assigned for that week,you must cite each reading at least once in your response. You do […]

Center-based Instruction

If your last name begins with I-P, discuss Chapter 13: Developing Art Centers For this discussion, you may write your responses but you are encouraged to create a speaking avatar using Voki.  Before recording your voice, you should type your responses to the following questions: How does this center support infant/toddler growth and development? Describe […]

Critical thinking 1 page essay

The text journal is your analytical response to the content from the chapters in the Adams textbook. Each of these should draw on concepts from the readings. Please be sure to integrate explicit use of concepts from the readings, concise critical reflection and analyses, and some application to yourself and key areas of your environment. […]

Writing 3 assignment

Discuss the following statements Functionalists ­­­Believe that education is one of the most important Why and How? The manifest functions and latent functions Conflict analysts Believe that education perpetuate inequalities based on class, race, and gender. Why and how? Interactions study classroom dynamics and how practices such as labeling can result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. […]

What I Think About My Race

I’m stuck on a Sociology question and need an explanation. Please respond to these questions about you: “What four things am I Most Proud of About My Race”  “How My Life Would be Different if I was (African American, European American (Caucasian), Hispanic, Muslim American, Asian, Pacific Islander, or Native American)”? (Or other, Choose a […]

women founder chapter4

Answer the questions below based on the chapter 4 readings.  WOMEN FOUNDERS Name of woman founder and chapter number: List and discuss five important facts about the woman founder: 1.  2.  3. 4.  5.  What are the main contributions this woman founder made to the field of sociology?