TAMUCT Sociology the Problem with Diversity Discussion

I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support. Readings: Chapter 5 –The Problem With Diversity: Émile Durkheim (1885–1917 What did Durkheim mean by the concept of “social solidarity”? How is this concept important to his overall theoretical perspective? Apply social solidarity to at least one modern-day example.   book Allan, Kenneth. 2014. The Social […]

Acadia University Assimilation and Critical Theories of Incorporation Essays

choose among prompt questions 1-5. You can choose as few/many questions within that range to answer, so long as you reach the word count of 800-1000 words (words in titles and works cited not included). Write prompt question that you’re responding to as your title Papers that don’t follow this rule automatically lose 10% of […]

Gender and sexuality

We’ve been trained since childhood to think of gender as simply male and female, and to think of differences between them as “natural.” In this essay, you will discuss how gender and sexuality are socially constructed and how they vary. You will discuss various gender possibilities (Hijras, transgender, agender, etc.) and sexuality possibilities from the […]

Social Problems

Choose a topic relevant to social problems.  Also, cannot be a psychological or biological explanation.  In sociology, there has to be a social interaction, which entails, at least, a dyad. Also, conduct a JSTOR (or other electronic database—JSTOR is recommended) search, via the library search engine.  Be sure to click “sociology” under advanced search.  

Sociology Threats to The Global Environment Presentation

Congratulations! The United Nations has hired you as a consultant on global issues. Many of the UN members are not satisfied with the progress of the Millennium Development Goals. They believe that the goals focus on the wrong issues. There is a disconnect between the types of issues the developed countries in the UN believe […]

Oak Point University Conards Opinion Most Closely Aligns with Functionalism Discussion

  main links: https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/06/magazine/romneys-former-bain-partner-makes-a-case-for-inequality.htmlLinks to an external site.(here is a gift link from my subscription – not sure how many times it can be accessed)  https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/06/magazine/romneys-former-bain-partner-makes-a-case-for-inequality.html?unlocked_article_code=ffcYnVujakMIiD42qBuJqXnxJy_hEbWDD7WiZjE97VflSsrXB4WbXpQ1NljGVjDRR5eHCEJT4Y6LcvsgMsvHKIlfNdeRLmwiWkdFdU7wbOC8EILYtW1nw5TjyVGXAChWHa_lCSITQMuWupb8R-Ak87-y2p1ica5V4tlMqXPuF8fZ87lM4NP2sWlXY2ywWwq_lEk-4styBM-WTMO-xlis7TuZzhlY64IPnpRcJZEsxopQ9_uZHhMtTqW5-84pBPpGbbGydxTuSW2qDRqHzKJMT3mq0X64qWonvt93C5FfPqNes2k7ySIhBfcAJLivtuCAXan4jTllpUxk_DwwiRRYMPQeI8r-3VpFnqSqTzt_-ZgZf9jhuMVdDxrEqi2HX7MKKAw&smid=url-shareLinks to an external site.”The Purpose of Spectacular Wealth According to a Spectacularly Wealthy Guy”(You can access the NYTimes for free through Moorpark College’s library, instructions are available under the WELCOME […]

Cuyamaca College Death Penalty Discussion

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Review the pdf of the factsheet and look up the two articles attached and Take a stance on the topic. Should the death penalty be allowed? Make a post that is supported with evidence where possible. 

Final study guide

I need help the final study guide