what is the main takeaways, core concepts they think are important, and how this chapter relates to other topics ?

you should write 500 WORD summary of chapter 11   what is the main takeaways, core concepts they think are important, and how this chapter relates to other topics ? 

SOSHTalk Experience Discussion

SOSHTalk Assignment Formatting Reminders (for full instructions and grading rubric, please review the SOSHTalk Discussion Board folder under “Week 3”) each post must be 200+ words APA citations and references are required for your initial post (and in response posts if material from the textbook or assigned web links is used) initial post (your response […]

Transmission of Inequality Discussion

forum: What is the role of culture in the transmission of inequality and injustice from the past? Give an example. please read chapter 3 and the article below and then answer the forum question above and reply to a one classmate’s response. classmate 1: The textbook defines culture as “the set of beliefs, knowledge, practices, […]

ECE 343 Ashford University Early Childhood Learning Environment Plan Paper

For the Final Project you will write an eight- to ten-page paper in which you describe your idea of an effective learning environment for either infants or toddlers. I would like to stress the words infants or toddlers.  PLEASE do not write a paper based upon a preschooler, a child in Pre-k or even older […]

Capitalism Discussion

I’m trying to study for my Sociology course and I need some help to understand this question. What is capitalism?

The Myth of the Melting Pot Discussion

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Early discussions of a multicultural America posited that the various ethnic groups existing in the U.S. would all blend together and become a “melting pot” of cultural backgrounds which together represent a new American culture. Based on relevant […]

Ashford University Teacher Caregiver Roles in Brain Development Paper

https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/thre… Advances in neuroscience have shown that quality early learning experiences and interactions with adults are critical to the young child’s developing brain. For this assignment, you will begin by watching the three-part video series from Harvard University, Three core concepts in early development (Links to an external site.). As you watch, pay particular attention […]

SMC Sociology Questions

SOC 306 Northeastern Sociology Final

Textbook: Tracy E. Ore. 2019. The Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality, Seventh edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190647964 (pbk). In each exam answer, you must effectively communicate your thoughts, ideas, insights, and research evidence to me. Do not include any information that is not relevant to […]