AC:  I would like to work with abused children or children who may have a disability ages 6-12. I reviewed the LEC, Life Event Checklist, however, it does not seem to be kid friendly or cover the sexual abuse or neglect that is considered to be traumatizing(SAMSHA,nd).   Youth instruments ranged from 21-24 items and […]

The Sociology of Media and Culture Paper

MPhil in Sociology (The Sociology of Media and Culture) Please upload a research proposal of around 1,000 words. Special formatting is not required. Your proposal would generally contain: A clear, well-motivated and viable research question A brief review of the literature, covering the theoretical basis for your research, the current state of knowledge in the field, and details of what your research will add The research methods you propose to use You may also want to explain the reasons for your own interest in the subject, and any previous work you have done in the area The word limit includes footnotes, appendices, figures, tables, etc, but does not include references. My topic: Parasocial interaction with Chinese Celebrities on Digital Media: the affordances of live streaming Please note: the research proposal needs to include footnotes, appendices, figures, tables. And please focus on the social media such as Weibo & Douyin (Chinese TikTok). The research proposal should have data to support. Structure I. Introduction II. Literature Review (please do not put too much words in this section) III. Problem Statement IV. Methodology V. Time Frame I.Methodology A.Both qualitative and quantitative approaches will be utilized B.Interviews: The proposed study would use a semi-structured interview for in-depth data collection. About 60 people will be chosen at random for in-depth interviews. (- 3 Sample interview questions) C.Surveys: In addition to interviews, I will also use surveys as part of our methodology for this study. The questionnaire will inquire about the respondent’s thoughts on xxx. D.Data analysis will be conducted using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software for statistical analysis. II.Time Frame A.The research process has been divided into six main milestones. The first milestone is the research proposal. B.The entire research process will take approximately 12 to 18 months to complete all milestones detailed here.

Lonestar College Choosing Either Judaism Early Christianity or Islam Discussion

I’m studying and need help with a Sociology question to help me learn. Choosing either Judaism, Early Christianity, or Islam, discuss how the religion is “in the right place at the right time.”  In other words, how does the religion answer the needs of the people in the time/place where it is born.     Name […]

Week 1 Social Causes of Suicide Discussion

Week 1 Discussion: Social Causes of Suicide Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Lesson, Minimum of 1 outside scholarly source Initial Post Instructions Sociologist C. Wright Mills preferred to call the sociological perspective the sociological imagination, and he saw it transforming personal troubles into public issues. Let us begin our discussion this […]

SU Sociology Child Labor and Bad Governance Discussion

“Rocky Road.” Please respond to the following: Some  of the most serious abuses taking place in developing countries deal  with child labor, human slavery, sweatshops, bad governance, and  environmental degradation. From the two developing countries that you  have selected for the Week 9 Assignment, examine in detail the extent to which at least two (2) […]

LAPC Gender Analysis Sexual Violence Prevention Paper

Choose one of the documents from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website Resources on Violence Preventio Links to an external site.. You might want to look at a few of the to be sure to pick one you are interested in. Select any of those listed that relate to sexual violence, i.e., Intimate Partner […]

SOC 339 Drugs and Society


SDCC Parasite Movie Analysis Essay

One assumption that drives a sociological film analysis is that popular culture is inherently political. The content that we consume in our leisure time is formed by its historical context, and this means that every piece of popular culture we encounter has sociological meaning. For this assignment, choose one fictional movie from the list below. […]