Self Disclosure Discussion

In each response, identify one other way the social worker has self-disclosed in this interview. Explain whether this type of self-disclosure is positive or negative. 150 words for each post and one reference for each. Ariel Brown In the “Southside Community Service” video the social workers disclosed to the client that she and her husband […]

speech discussion

Based on your topic, identify three advantages and three disadvantages of using presentation aids during a speech. Three advantages are: Three disadvantages are:  2) use two scenario in response  Suggest another presentation aid for other students to use based on their topic and explain why. 3) use two scenario in response Do you think that […]

SOCI 8836 ASU Poverty in the News in Georgia 7 Article Summary Name:  Poverty in the News in Georgia 7 INSERT THE HYPERLINK to the material provided for you. You must use THIS TEMPLATE. Approximately two to three pages for each assignment. Use Times New Roman Font. Use 12 point font. Use double space. Do not include a cover sheet or a reference page. UPLOAD in […]

Tyranny of Structurelessness Worksheet

Please read the readings and do the reading quiz ( I attached in files ). I specify each chapter in each reading: Part V Intro (SMR) Section 6, Hegemony How-To (Smucker) Tyranny of Structurelessness (Freeman) Chapter 10, Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movement (Snow et al.) Chapter 3, This is an Uprising (Engler Engler) Chapter […]

Sociology writing Project paper

Analyze a newspaper article using concepts, theories, or ideas drawn from class. The purpose of this assignment is to think critically about sociological topics, to draw connections between everyday life and sociological analysis, and to aid in the application of the material we learn in class. To assist you in this process, you will locate […]

UM Sociology Thoughts the Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed Reading Essay

Instructions Watch Unnatural Causes episode “Not Just a Paycheck” on Kanopy Kanopy – Stream Classic Cinema, Indie Film and Top Documentaries • Read the selections from Ehrenreich’s Nickle & Dimed, and your choice of either Gautie and Ponthieux’s Employment and the Working Poor or Smith’s Job-Finding Among The Poor: Do Social Ties Matter? • Submit […]

FAU Life in St Augustine War Disease and Struggle Essay

Essay question In this part of the exam, students will select one question and write a brief essay (500-750 words) in response to it. Essays should answer the question completely. The best essays will have a clear thesis (argument), logically-arranged paragraphs, and specific evidence from the readings to support the thesis. You do not to […]

(Feminism in Sociology)

Can you help me understand this Sociology question? What is feminism? Is feminism a sociological theory?