Social Mobility Discussion

Week 3 Preparation Read this short overview of the “American Dream“ Read Chapter 8, Stratification and Social Mobility in the US, in your text.  Your assignment must be informed by information from the chapter. No outside/web sources, please. Attend the Week 3 Keiser Live! session or view the recording. Watch this video on Social Mobility […]


This writing assignment asks you to identify some kind of social norm and then examine that norm based on the criteria we talked about during lecture. Here are those criteria: 1. To what extent is the norm known and recognized? 2. What is the mode of transmission? How do we learn about the norm? 3. […]

CSUSM Intersectionality in Everyday Life Discussion

The readings for this week all address Kimberle Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality in some way. Draw from at least three readings and explain what it means to look at the world and people’s identities through an intersectional lens. Share an example of an issue you are interested in (racial justice, gender justice, #Metoo, feminism, class […]

Poststructural and Postmodern Theories: Michael Foucault

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need guidance to help me learn. Foucault argued that today’s society can be thought of as a disciplinary society because of the many technologies of surveillance that have become a normal and routine daily activity. Modern day examples include routine inspections in the workplace, rigorous training in procedures and protocols, and standardized work quotas. Briefly describe Foucault’s disciplinary society and offer examples of his theory from your daily life.  

Trauma Informed Social Work Practice Paper

review/reflect on one of the assigned readings Max 2 pages, double spaced. Show some critical analysis of how the article supports TI (or questions it raises for you, etc.). 

Broward College Homelessness Discussion

I’m trying to study for my Sociology course and I need some help to understand this question. i need to know in 300 or 400 words how one of the three main sociological perspectives(conflict theory, structural functionalism,symbolic interactionism) explains the cause and potential solution to the problem of homelessness. 

SOS492 Research methods in social sciences

Define your research puzzle. It should be something that you are curious about to explore. Consider the following model research scenario: “It is a commonly accepted fact that the bigger a country’s military and the more developed its economy are, the easier it should defeat a smaller and a weaker opponent. However, sometimes the stronger […]

Sociology Global Identity Cultural Globalization Environment & Poverty Questions

Week 9 — Global Identity What is a nation? What is nationalism? What is micro nations, region-nations, and transworld nations? How Does Globalization Contribute to Identity Hybridization? Has globalization put an end to the national project? What is a non-territorial identity? What are examples of non-territorial identities? How has globalization been enhancing such identities? Week […]

Intercultural Communications Contemporary Tensions

Provide an example of an intercultural communication situation around immigration that remains tense. For example, you might briefly describe the cultural clash between migrants from S America and Mexico or the clash between Asian Americans and African Americans.OR Write about a personal intercultural tension you experienced. Examine historical, political, social, cultural, and communication issues that […]

Retrospective report on scrum

Group retrospective. Write a retrospective for a completed team scrum project on moving from Baltimore to Washington DC in order to be closer to our new work place.  i just need a detail retrospective report of 500 words of how the team complete the project because this is the first time most of the team […]