Contemporary Urban Problems Analysis

In our analysis of society we see that exploitation and oppression both have continuity under the system of capitalism, particularly with respect to Black, Brown, and other marginalized peoples. This assignment is designed to highlight contemporary expressions of systemic issues within our socio-political and economic system that continue to adversely impact working class people. Students […]

You have to choose an article to analyze the troubling condition and connect it with a concept.

select a troubling condition then search for an article to analyze.  For each analysis, please be sure to explain/define the concept and make clear connections between the concept and the article. Quoting should be kept to a minimum, and each analysis should be about 1.5-2 pages double-spaced. Check out this sample analysis to get a […]

Criminal Investigation Technology Discussion

#1 Assignment Please research the technology used to investigate: In addition to the material we covered this semester, there is a number of other chapters in your textbook, each of which deals with a subfield of sociological research that can benefit from the broader perspectives we have directly studied. These chapters are: fingerprints DNA firearms […]

FAU Less Developed Countries Health Care Disparity Discussion

Questions According to Chapter 4, what are the health-related differences between more, less, and least developed nations? Define and discuss each example of more, less, and least developed nations, citing 2–3 examples of countries that fit each of these levels of development. In your discussion, share specific details regarding how a more, less, and/or least […]

SSCI 210 American InterContinental University Sociology Discussion

I need help with a Sociology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. In your own words, describe the concept of sociological imagination. Select a behavior from the list above or another behavior that you practice every day, and apply the sociological imagination by describing the behavior from 3–4 different […]

SOC 205 University of Arizona Global Campus Paradigm Shifts Discussion Questions

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Explain why it is important to include unique perspectives such as race and gender in general theoretical works as presented in the introductory essay. As presented in the introductory essay, explain the concept of discursive domination. What does […]

A good news letter

For extra points for my class The prompt is “The instructions is like say I applied for a security job and your writing a positive letter just one page saying I am hired and I received the job offer “

Under Age Drinking Sociology Discussion

Explain why this type of deviance (under age drinking) occurs and/or how society responds to this form of deviance, according to one of the theories in the chapter. As part of your explanation, make sure to also briefly explain the theory.