MSU Sociology Overcoming Obstacles for A Better Future Essay

1) View the documentary “Deej”  which can be accessed via the MSU Library at (Links to an external site.) 2) In this documentary, DJ proclaims that “….inclusion shouldn’t be a lottery…” With DJ’s comment as a framework, submit a paper which is double spaced and at least two pages in length that discusses how […]

Organization Analysis Final Project

Organization Analysis Final Project Sociology 302 The purpose of this final project is to provide you with an opportunity to apply your growing knowledge of organizational sociology to an organization that interests you.  Generally, you will be addressing each of the following areas: Research and analyze one organization and attempt to understand the challenges the […]

Discussion – Examining Social Issues through the Sociological Lens Respond to Peer

I’m stuck on a Sociology question and need an explanation. Choose one current issue or topic of social significance in the U.S. or globally. Examples include poverty, hunger, obesity, bullying, unemployment, drug abuse, social networking, divorce, and racial profiling. In your initial post, briefly explain which issue you have chosen to discuss and why.

University of South Carolina Becoming a Parent Discussion

I’m working on a sociology question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. We learn parenting skills from many places. Perhaps our biggest influence on our attitude towards parenting is from our parents and how we were raised. We also are influenced by media, science, religion, and other sources.   Our question […]

Glendale Community College The Best Health Care System A Global Snapshot Discussion

The medical care system in the United States is a mix of different approaches. Private insurance is provided to many workers through their employment. A “single payer” system operates for people over the age of sixty-five through Medicare. The government provides and manages medical care for low-income people through Medicaid. Just about all hospitals operate […]

Salisbury University Sociology Paper

Assignment #4 Information & Instructions: Handout Assignment video overview Page limit – 4 pages MAXIMUM, excludes Cover Page and Reference Page For each article, address the following points: Name of Article: Summary: Provide an overview of the Results and Discussion sections for the article (think two separate paragraphs). Include information that would paint a picture […]

CSUN Sociology The Imposter & The Wild Child Film Analysis Essays

Week 1 Write an essay that analyzes the film The Wild Child through the lens of one or more concepts from Berger and Luckmann. The assignment is open-ended – some themes you might consider include socialization, identity, the self, social reality, primary socialization (or secondary socialization), reality maintenance, and language. *** Week 2 Write an […]

FIU How Does Our Society Work Discussion

Among the Main Functions of Society, social scientists agree that the following 10 best describe the whys of how we function within our global worldview:  1. Satisfaction of basic needs It is the primary function of society to organize people and their actions in such a way that they are guaranteed food, shelter, and vital […]