React to the Poor Kids in America film

Instructions: Answer all questions listed below and react to the Poor Kids in America film which takes a fascinating look into lives of children experiencing poverty in their everyday lives. While there is a focus on families and how the families in the film became poor, the focus of the film is centered on the […]

SOCI 1101

Look at this Youtube video: The Whittington Family: Ryland’s Story (7:05 min). Discuss the various themes presented within the video(Race and ethnicity) (Deviance and social control). Thinking sociologically and not based on personal opinion – analyze the video.

answer 5 different discussion question an response to 3 different student.

Discussion Questions:—— You don’t have to answer every question below, but you do need to answer at least 5 questions. Basically, answer the ones that are most appealing to you. 1)    Recently, we have had transgender boys and girls who competed based on their gender in transition, that is, transgender boys competing against girls and […]

humanitarian aid

I’m studying for my Sociology class and need an explanation. The Rysaback-Smith article and the Sphere Guidelines discuss some history of humanitarian aid and the basic principles that govern humanitarian aid.  Do you see the manner in which humanitarian aid is provided changing?  Please describe the change and how it could impact populations requiring aid […]

BC Sociology Marriage Being Necessary Before Having Kids Discussion

I’m working on a sociology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Prompt: You may or may not agree that marriage is necessary before having kids, but why do you think that marriage is so often seen as the “right thing” to do before having children in the US? Consider the […]

Florida International University Benefits and Challenges of Breastfeeding Essay

Title: ” The Benefits and Challenges of Breastfeeding: Exploring Breastfeeding Resources for Empowerment Mothers and Healthy Infants”Research paper must be 650-1000 words  

Multidisciplinary Analysis of Human Sexuality and Diversity Paper

  Multidisciplinary Analysis of Human Sexuality and Diversity Learning Objectives Critically analyze information from academic/professional sources. Use electronic data bases to find articles. Practice reading professional writing and recognize valid research and understand the results. Practice using good writing techniques to support a thesis. Use multiple perspectives to look at a single issue of culture […]

Family and Culture My Big Fat Greek Wedding Film Discussion “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” (2002) 1. What are your thoughts about pressure from parents for their children to marry? Does this differ from culture to culture? Any examples come to mind? 2. “Windex fixes everything.” Are there some sayings you’ve grown up with that may or may not be true? Why do you […]