SOCI 3432 Infant Mortality in Memphis Babyland Discussion

Infant Mortality in Memphis/Babyland After reviewing the video Babyland (you may find the documentary in the library if you missed it in class please see below), as well as the materials provided in class (and in your announcements), what is infant mortality and what do you think are the causes of infant mortality in our […]

CSUSM Complexity of Sexuality and Gender Discussion

I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. (1) Discuss the complexity of sexuality and gender.  Why/how are these concepts socially constructed?  What kinds of sexual identities exist outside traditional male/female, masculine/feminine categories? (2) Discuss the theory that those who identify as homosexual are considered to […]

Salisbury University Team review Discusion social work

In the final reflection post (individual member reflections), be sure to discuss the following points: (Due Thursday July 6, 2023) In reviewing the second team’s decision, the team should reflect on what they learned through the process of writing up a strategy and having it reviewed by another team. How would they use this skill […]

SOC 306 NEU Exploring Work Experiences Discussion

Question 1 : In Maid in L.A., how did the live-in domestic workers describe their experiences? How did their experiences differ from the live-out nannies and housecleaners? Question 2: Gender Fluid Geek Girls examines gender inequality in the tech industry. Based on the reading and/or your own experiences, describe two examples of gender discrimination in […]

Social Work Discussion 2

Social workers make decisions in practice settings based on different sources of knowledge, including their intuition, personal experiences, tradition, authority, and theories and research evidence. These sources of knowledge can be used together to contribute to decisions. Which source(s) of knowledge do you rely on? What are the strengths and limitations of each source of […]

SMC Sociology Right Wing Populist Mobilization Since 2008 Essay

Discuss what you have learned about right-wing populist mobilization since 2008. How does gender manifest through populist mobilization? What are some of the complexities and contradictions you notice in right populist rhetoric and activism? The essay should incorporate the film “American Insurrection” (find it online please) and the four files attached (Holloway Sparks, Ruth Rosen, […]

CUNY Lehman How Did the Authors Define Resource Mobilization Theory Questions

Question 1.  This question relates to the article, “Religious Resources and Church Growth” Part A. How did the authors define resource mobilization theory? Part B.  How did the authors apply resource mobilization theory to church growth? Part C.  What data did they use to test the theory?