Service Learning Midterm Assessment Discussion

Your Service Learning (SL) experience (15 hours) will augment your understanding of our course material by facilitating its field application. As such, this assignment must be completed in a single program and fully during this term. This SLMA will update me on your progress in meeting the agreed-to SLIC work plan.

HLSS 498 America Military University Sociology Question

Instructions   The goal of this paper for you to write your opinion on Border and Coastal Security without using first or second person. In this paper, you get the opportunity to write your point of view on the material reviewed during the week – and the best part is that there is no wrong […]

Valencia College Gilmans Theoretical Perspective Discussion

I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support. Provide an example demonstrating how Gilman’s theoretical perspective can help us understand gender inequality in today’s world.  Book is : Allan, Kenneth. (2014). The Social Lens: An Invitation to Social and Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Chapter 7: The Challenges of Gender and Race Charlotte […]

SOC 333 UAGC Wk 4 Research Design Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Discussion

In your initial post, address the following: Differentiate between randomized and nonrandomized approaches to sampling populations. Discuss the importance of the role of sampling when conducting research. Snowball sampling is a form of sampling where participants recommend people they know as research participants. Explain one pro and one con to this approach. Discuss the usefulness […]

6.4 Discussion Sociology

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Today, we notice that politics is changing so slowly for women and the LGBTQ community, yet it will be interesting to see how women and gay/lesbian candidates will do politically in U.S. There are many women and gay/lesbians  running for public office, from local office to Congress and Senate.Do you think running for office is easier or harder for women and gay/lesbian candidates?   

MCC Double Standards in Men and Womens Sexuality Paper

topic to be over the double standards between men and women sexuality and how this affect infidelity in relationships, research how the world views men and women who are considered hypersexual through many partners, why is it ok for men to have multiple partners but not women and is this a cause for infidelity in […]

CCC Intersectionality Memorandum

We have stated that our primary theoretical framework in this course in Intersectionality, which states that we should not view identity as ‘either/or’ but rather ‘both/and’ across different categories. From this point of view, we must work hard analytically to understand an individual’s ‘Standpoint’ on the basis of their relationship to categories of identity. Selecting […]