Keiser University Wk 3 Understanding the Reality of Success Discussion and Responses

The American Dream is the aspirational belief in the US that all individuals are entitled to the opportunity for success and upward social mobility through hard work.  Read Chapter 8, Stratification and Social Mobility in the US, in your text.   Watch this video on Social Mobility and the American Dream If someone made a […]

SOW 3314 Florida International University Case Plan Essay

The next step in the Roberts-Degennaro model of case management is to develop a plan of intervention (Frankel et al., 2019, p.13). In context of the presenting problem, develop an intervention plan that addresses the needs of the client on the micro, mezzo, and macro level. You may address secondary needs as well if you […]

Black People Disproportionate Shootings by Police Essay

A U.S. city has commissioned you to create an assessment plan that will help resolve an issue that centers around racial stratification. In your plan, you will outline areas that the city should investigate in order to help resolve the problem. Be sure to take a macro and micro approach to addressing the issue. To […]

Sociology Employing a Mixed Methods Strategy Questions

Begin by describing how each variable used in your hypothesis was operationalized. 2) Discuss the benefits/disadvantages of using these particular survey questions to test your hypothesis. 3) Discuss your sampling strategies. 4) Who will your sample? Sample size? Location and all details. 5) What is your hypothesis? 6) What are your expected results? Why? 7) […]

California State University Fresno Analyzing Content in Media Messages Paper

Option #2 This is a content analysis of media from 1950’s, 60’s to recent, let’s say 2013 to now (last five years). Choose FIVE (5) content pieces of one medium from each time period above: So, you will be looking at TEN (10) items – 5 from earlier period, 5 from today. Select a theme you are looking at: Examples of themes: gender roles, intersectionality, work roles, professions, education, sexuality, LGBTQ issues, second shift and domestic chores, parenting, dating strategies, social media (TV in the 50’s, 60’s), sexual harassment, romantic love, sexual assault, politics, military, portrayal of gender in the media.  If you have other ideas, let me know first. Include PHOTOS of ADS in your paper.  If you use video clips, include the URLS as an ACTIVE LINK, so I can click on them and check them out! The purpose of this research paper is to examine differences in media messages on gender roles from prefeminist/early postfeminist eras to contemporary society. You can choose any type of medium (newspapers, children’s books, comics, television shows, ads, lyrics from songs, popular magazine covers) from specific time periods (e.g. 1960 compared to 2018 on the medium you choose, e.g., ADS).  You will have to review between FIVE (5) content pieces for each medium you choose from each time period (So, five ads from 1960, five ads from 2018, as examples).  You will review the content looking for particular themes as to how gender is portrayed.  In your writing, you will compare and contrast the gender roles from the two different time periods.  You will also incorporate THREE (3) outsides sources, in addition to our text (peer reviewed journal articles, books), in addition to our text.    In writing your paper, you will summarize the themes focusing on differences and similarities. Ask yourself: How much has changed?  Has the message changed, if so in what way? What did you find interesting?  Disappointing?  Exciting?

SOCI 1301 Pattern of Descent in the US Discussion

I need an explanation for this Sociology question to help me study. What is: a) Patrilineal descent?   b) Matrilineal descent?  c) Bilateral descent?  Which pattern of descent is favored in the United States?  Why? Provide at least (2) examples of how religion has promoted dramatic social transformation. Is divorce best viewed as a problem, […]