Marx’s major ideas

This week I have introduced you to some of Marx’s major ideas. On the subject of alienation, Marx was writing in particular about the factory system before the days of labor unions and labor laws. So, do you think his ideas still apply to workplaces today in the United States. Is Marx’s theory of alienation […]

write a 3 page double space to answer 2 questions about nontraditional occupations

How did you cope with these issues( experience any role encapsulation or stereotyping? any boundary heightening?) Do you have any advice for others in similar situations? Use the introduction part in the word document for example as interviewee in the hotel. Here is helpful understanding about the groups. Skewed and Tilted Groups Tilted groups are […]

California Coast University Sociology Essay

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.  Describe the frustration-aggression hypothesis and the symbolic interactionist theory of prejudice. Textbook: (S) Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials by Diana Kendall, 2018, ISBN.13: 978-1-337-10965-9 .  

The Cost of Natural Resources

The Cost of Natural Resources As Hite and Seitz (2016) show in Chapter 4: Energy, the world is in the midst of an energy crisis as it concerns the rapid use and depletion of nonrenewable natural resources.  According to the textbook, “Many experts predict that the largest increase in demand for oil in the coming […]

UWA Sociology Domestic Violence Family Policy Dsicussion

Present a debate on a family policy topic and debate one side, good or bad, pro or con. Include information defending your side of the debate.   Choose one of the Family Policy Topics (below) and present a debate, where YOU take both sides. You will also use this topic as a basis for Assignment […]

health and illness

How can we, as sociologists, understand the relationship between the body and the self (i.e. subjectivity)? What roles do illness and illness narratives play in this relationship? Drawing on readings/examples from at least 3 different weeks, evaluate the challenges and benefits of attending to illness narratives within healthcare interactions. 

Arizona Christian University Request for Recommendation Email Message

One of your colleagues, Katina Vander, was recently promoted to department manager and now serves on the company’s strategic planning committee. At its monthly meeting next week, the committee will choose an employee to lead an important market research project that will help define the company’s product portfolio for the next five years.  You worked […]

Ashford University 250 Word Discussion

When considering a research topic, consider an interesting topic that is worth further research. For instance, having a strong opinion on a specific topic may deter you from thinking more critically, and therefore the research might end up being one-sided. It is a good idea to pick a topic in which you can provide a […]

Walden University Wk 10 Major Depressive Disorder Single Episode Moderate Analysis

Week 10 – CASE of SHANA– 4 F codes and 2 Z codes  Intake Date: January xxxx IDENTIFYING/DEMOGRAPHIC DATA:Shana is a 32 year old, single African American female, with no siblings.  Shana reports never being married.  She works full time at the library.  CHIEF COMPLAINT/PRESENTING PROBLEM:Shana reported having sudden attacks and feeling anxious.  She described […]

Motivation and Rewards Analysis Paper

Select individuals who vary in interesting ways that may be relevant for understanding the factors that motivate people – for example, people at different organizational levels, career stages, job roles, sex, marital and parental status. Good variation in your sample makes it easier to identify differences among participants, and also highlights the contours of the […]