OSU Gender Differences and Similarities for Youth Offenders Response

Topics:Gender differences and similarities for youth offenders Read:Hubner Chapters 10, 11, 12 & Epilogue (Title: Last Chance in Texas: The Redemption of Criminal Youth Author: John Hubner) Publisher: Random House Trade Publisher Watch: Ted Talk: American’s Juvenile Injustice System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cPRB9XxOlI Essay 9 Assignment:  1. What, if any, are the differences between the reasons why girls […]

Contribute to Discussion Forum 9

(1) In what ways do you use the method of verstehen in your own life? In other words, how do you engage the process of figuring out what is going on in other people’s heads? Think about it. It might not be as foreign a concept as it appears on the surface. Give examples. (2) […]

Key Events in early childhood education

Based on key legislation pertaining to English language learners (ELLs) from Pennsylvania and from your readings, create a brochure or newsletter to be used to inform parents in your community about English immersion policies and programs. Include the following: Historical developments that led to the policies regarding the role of English in their children’s classrooms. […]

SYG 2000 University of Florida Finland Education Success Discussion

I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to study. Watch the video Finland’s educational success (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)https://www.rev.com/transcript-editor/Edit?token=ClM5DtbbvrR84qP41A-Uocndmd3eN_m6rTwBDpA20zpLS7cF8eYNYDuiv-uPZgLPihONHxE9FxoFUVQ8fNCvzeTc2C8&loadFrom=DeliveryEmail&openShareModal=False&page=1&sortBy=Uploaded&sortOrder=Desc&pageSize=25 (Links to an external site.) Which parts of the Finnish system would you like to import to the US if any? Which parts of the US educational system […]

SOCI 3422 UM Sociology Black Skin White Masks Book Report

Formal Academic Book Review Guidelines Guidelines: Below are some general questions and guidelines you should review and use when writing your book review. Keep in mind this is not a book report, but a review.  When reviewing the book, think especially about what the author is presenting from a sociological perspective. Also, think about our […]

Ashford Univeristy Developmentally Appropriate Centers Questions

I’m studying and need help with a Sociology question to help me learn. Choose one of this week’s chapters to read in-depth, paying particular attention to the “Special Considerations for Infants and Toddlers.”  Then, select one the following centers: Literacy, Manipulative/Sensory, Science, Dramatic Play, or Blocks/Building.  In your post, describe the following: How does this […]

Gendered Inequality Gender and US Immigration Discussion

Book: Gender and U.S. Immigration (2003) Direction are in—lecture upload titled Week 3 Answer questions listed at end of lecture page in discussion form Discussion Questions (Use specific citations from Chapter 3 and the Week 3 article) At least 150 words per question 1. Discuss how the economic shift has facilitated the debt cycle. 2. […]

crisis management

Your assignment is to create a summary of each example that includes what happened and an explanation of each milestone and how both Penn State and Tylenol handled each of them. Additionally, you are to provide an alternative manner for handling any failures that would have resulted in successful management and communication of the specific […]


Answer: What did you find to be an interesting practice from the past that is no longer relevant for families or partner choosing? State 1 important thing you learned from the reading. Examine 1 observation you made as it connects to real lived experience. Ask 1 question about the reading/topic or something that you might […]

Walden University Michael Diagnosis Case Study

Week 11 – CASE of MICHAEL– 2 F codes and 2 Z codes Intake Date: October XXXX IDENTIFYING/DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: Michael is a 27-year-old African American male. He is single and lives by himself in low-income housing. He is currently looking for a job. CHIEF COMPLAINT/PRESENTING PROBLEM: Michael has been concerned for the past 3 years […]