California State University San Marcos Finding Your Literature Essay

For your final paper, the first part of the paper will be a brief!! literature review (seriously, 1 page!). This activity is finding your literature for this paper. Go to the library ( to an external site.). Find four articles on your topic. Write an annotated bibliography for the four articles. What is an annotated […]

CCC Collective Memories on Columbus Day Discussion

1. Confederate monuments 2. The Celebration of Columbus Day Instructions 1. I have already Selected 2 examples of social problems that are the result of re-evaluating and reconstructing our relationship to historical events. on Statues, Flags, and the reconstruction of historical problems the author states:  “Collective memories are social constructions, and older ideas about what […]

UW Amazons Employee Work Conditions and Company Culture Questions

The company I choose to cover is Amazon and its Employee work conditions & company culture, Plan to address how this organization could proactively and reactively respond, plan for, or address the crisis. This assignment will address the “WHAT” of crisis communications/planning; In your Media Strategy Response you will address “HOW”. What steps can you […]

Cuyamaca College Sociology Series Evaluation Question

Identify one episode of an online series (aka TV show) that addresses sexuality in some way and write a critical evaluation. First, briefly describe the episode. Then explain how it engages with themes from this course. Specifically, what issues, topics, and ideas from class are addressed? What others could be addressed, but are left out? […]